weird vision stuff and anticoagulant

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Is there any particular reason why you or the doctors are attributing this to Coumadin and not to do with the clotting disorder or your valve repair? What you are describing is not a side-effect of Coumadin, but a sign that there may be clotting issues which your Coumadin dose is not sufficiently covering.

Edit - Ross - help! Why did it put my reply as the #1 post?????
weird vision stuff and anticoagulant

So there I was, sorting laundry, when I began to develop a visual aura. I've had migraines with auras since my teens and an aura (for me anyway) is like that annoying spot you get after someone takes a flash picture of you. It can be any size or shape, can take up residence anywhere in my field of vision, and can last as long as it jolly well pleases. Also, my auras have always been translucent. What ever was being blocked by the aura was still visible, although less so.

This aura, though, was different. It was dark and opaque, and it developed quickly, and grew. And grew. And grew.

It took probably a minute or so from the beginning of the "aura" to total vision loss in my right eye. Ten minutes later, vision began to return. An hour or so after onset, my vision had cleared.

Long story short, I went to ER. Bloodwork (again), EKG (again), CT of head (again). Conclusion: I probably had a TIA or an optic artery spasm--possibly in connection with an atypical migraine--which temporarily created a crucial drop in blood flow to the eye.

I?m scheduled for an MRI of my brain today. Then Monday, I follow up with my neurologist.


What exactly happened? They don?t know.

What triggered the episode? They don?t know.

Will it happen again? They don?t know.

Am I allowed to drive? NO.

How long will the driving ban last? Who knows.

Has anyone else experienced something like this? How did it turn out?
In the meantime, since I have a clotting disorder, I'm starting Aggrenox 250 mg/day. Can anybody tell me about this med? Does it require frequent testing like coumadin, etc.?

Thanks, Marcia
I have similar episodes on a regular basis, sometimes every day, sometimes once a month, I've had various tests including scans etc, and it was diagnosed as occular migraine. My vision doesn't totally go - It starts with the white blob as though a shadow from a flashbulb, then develops into psychedelic vibrant flashing black and white mosaic patterns. If I close my eyes it passes after 5 or 10 minutes. I was offered some medication a while back which I declined as it occurs unexpectedly and goes quickly. I have noticed that when I drink strong freshly ground coffee (Italian espresso style), say two cups a day, I don't seem to get so many episodes. But then I don't sleep......
We've had MANY discussions about "Visual Effects" and "Optical Migraines". Do a Search (see the Blue Line at the top of the page, click on it, enter the above keywords, scroll down to the section showing the time period to search, select "any date", and click on 'search'.

Whenever I get a Visual Effect, I chew a Full (325mg) Aspirin with my Cardiologist's blessing.

Most report that their Optical Migraines disappear in less than an hour, typically about 20 minutes.

Those who go through the same tests as you typically report "Nothing Found" with the same 'probable' diagnosis.
I just want to caution everyone who has these. Joe had these frequently, hitting mostly one eye. They were diagnosed as TIAs, and all went away except for one.

He thought it was the same old thing, never told me, and never called the doctor or asked me to take him to the ER.

It didn't go away, and it was a clot that caused damage to the vascular system in his eye. He lost all vision in that eye.

When he did go to the doctor, the eye doctor said it was a terrible shame that he had let it go. There is a 3 hour window of opportunity when they could have possibly saved his vision, after that there is permanent damage. He went for all kinds of treatments to try to regain some vision, to no avail.

So, if it doesn't go away within a few minutes, then please get yourself to the ER and let them examine your eye.

If it turns out to be more of the same, well, then good, no harm done. However, if it is something damaging, then you did the right thing.
I have noticed when my INR is to high say 3.9 I get slight dizzy spells and vision problems, sometime but not always a little head pain. I can always tell if my INR is to high by these symptoms. Thank God I can home test now and adjust it accordingly.
Karlynn - I'm not on Coumadin. The drs were saying TIA possibly.
Nancy - I agree about not taking any chances. My sister threw a clot and lost partial vision in one eye.

Nothing unusual showed up on the scans. My neuro tends to think it's an ocular migraine. My cardio wants to do a transesophageal heart echo just to make sure I don't have a heart clot (esp w/surgery and clotting disorder). So it looks like that will happen the beginning of next week. Plus, I have orders to go to the hospital ASAP and get admitted if anything else happens.

In the meantime, I had an adverse reaction to the Aggrenox, so I'm on 325mg aspirin a day.
Gotcha - I saw "anticoagulant" and just assumed Coumadin. You know what they say about "assuming". :D
Well, my neuro and my cardio "conferred and concurred" and I'm having the TEE done on Thursday. I feel pulled both ways. I don't want to risk my health by ignoring something important, but it's only 4 months since my OHS and I'm really reluctant to have more tests, procedures, treatments.

Mostly, I just want to do this, get it over with, and move on.
I've had infrequent migraines over the past year, always preceded by a jagged 3D aura. I had one while I was having my pre-surgery cath, and they medicated me for it on the table. Nothing as dramatic as yours, though. For a normal migraine, my oncologist father-in-law long ago prescribed four OTC ibuprofen tablets as soon as the aura appears. If that gets rid of it, it's a migraine. If not, go to the ER. A dramatic ocular interference can be an indicator of other problems, not to be fooled with. Since anticoagulant treatments can range from aspirin to Plavix to Coumadin, I'd hit the speed-dial to my PCP if something odd turned up that didn't follow previous patterns.
In the meantime, I had an adverse reaction to the Aggrenox, so I'm on 325mg aspirin a day.

Are you taking Enteric (coated) Aspirin?

If not, you may want to ask your Doc about that to avoid / minimize irritation to the Stomach (and the possibility of creating ulcers).

I had my TEE today, and it came back clear! No bloodclot, no hospital, and I'm staying with the aspirin! (Thanks for the enteric clue, Al.) My cardio does want me to consult with a hematologist, though. Since I have factor V Leiden mutation, he wants to make sure I'm not just spontaneously forming clots, in situ.

To this day I know there is a problem of Pump Head! and these typical migraines they call them have something to do with Pump Head, no doctor wants to admit there is such a thing but I know better. It has effected my memory also and vision!
I saw the hematologist today....

He was concerned and careful, but not worried. Because of my medical history with the heart valve and the clotting disorder, my mystery eye thing (which may never be explained), and my (bleagh - don't remind me) age, he's put me on Aggrenox--probably permanently.

I can live with that.... I like that it's less drastic than coumadin, with less risk and side effects since it works differently. And it's something that a lot of other people my age are on, anyway. That helps psychologically, KWIM?

I'm relieved and thankful. I think I can deal with this.

Thanks for your prayers. Please continue them as I adjust to this new med.
