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Hey everybody.

I figure I'll give my almost 1 month (3 days shy) update. I feel pretty good. Pain comes around pretty much only in the morning when I first get up. Coughing is still a little sore. I had my first sneeze the other day OUCH!!!!!! That was a little rough. I had been holding them back but I figured what the heck, let's give it a shot. I was cleared for driving after only 2 weeks! I took it easy first couple of days but now I have no problems. Stick shift too. I'm able to go back to light duty on the 7th - 4 weeks post op. I'll either be answering phones or in billing dept. I won't be able to get back on ambulance until at least Feb. 10th. Even then I don't know. We're talking about lifting some heavy people. I go in for my echo on Monday. All in all, pretty good. I'm doing a lot better than I thought I would have been. I'm also walking everyday. I'm up to a half hour twice a day- no problems. Thanks again for everyone's help and words on here. It's such a pleasure knowing there are this many of you out there that care.

Anyone heard from Donna or Bunkenmeyer? I would like to maybe get an update on them.

Take care.
Things are looking good Dave.

The Evil Sneeze-Brings a whole new realm of pain, doesn't it? Man I hate when that happens. Thank God your not doing rapid fire sneezing! :)
Back to work

Back to work

Dave - It sound like you're doing GREAT!!

It will take a while for the heavy lifting -- your sternum and connective tissue take a while to fully recover. But I expect a young healthy guy like you will be OK by late spring/early summer.

Just try not to catch a cold from any co-workers when you return to your job - the sneezes are going to hurt for a while yet.
Dave, sounds you are likin this side of the mountain - and doing very, very well. You were in good shape (yes, we can tell by that great picture) beforehand so you are bound to get well quicker than some. But the dept is being wise to not let you out the door on calls for awhile yet. And don't get pushy with them - it will come. The rest of your life is still coming, so just get all the way well before you jump right in on some of this stuff. And yes, we all know about Janie's 'evil sneeze' and we tried to avoid it. (Janie coined that phrase long time ago and it was right on the mark, wouldn't you say). First time I sneezed, I said "Lord, here I come"! Nice to be able to be in 'command' again and driving somehow does that for you. God bless
Hey Dave - I'll be following your progress as a possible guide to what I may expect in the future. Looks like you're doing all the right things, and I hope I can follow the same path when my time comes.

Since you're in the Chicago area, I wonder if you could share any info on who's who in cardiac surgery around here.

Keep up the good work -- it helps me to not be so frightened of the future.
Hi Dave,

Great to hear of your progress. I have been thinking of my surgical twin.

I am too am sore in the morning. Getting comfortable for sleep at night has been a challenge. The only follow-up I have had so far was a 5 minute visit with the surgeon Monday. Next Monday I will see the cardio and hopefully he will order an echo but I don?t know... There seems to be no consistency in post op care so I was glad to hear about yours so I can be on top of what I need. Same problem with Coumadin follow up which has been my biggest stress provoker?.getting labs ordered, and follow up to the results. I will be glad when I can work out a way with my MD to approve of my use of the Pro Time and work with me on it. I will see him Wed and in the meantime my level is finally good. Thankfully, you don?t have to worry about this.

Did you get any blood in surg? I didn?t and loss of blood has been my biggest problem in recovery, low blood pressure and low hemoglobin and I have a high platelet count. So energy level has not been great. I couldn?t give my own blood pre op per my Doc who said because of my valve problem I couldn?t self donate. So, it looks like they held out on using any even tho they had it ready post op but I overheard that IF they don?t give blood in surgery, they don?t want to after.

Otherwise, things are uneventful and I am planning to go back to work the 15th.

Please stay in touch and thank you for the update on your progress as it was helpful to me to ?compare notes?.

How is your head??? Mine seems a just a bit foggy.

It is good we had the surgery this winter so we can have fun this summer with our new valves. I can't wait!

Wishing you a continued, wonderful recovery.

Hi Dave!
It's good to hear your recovery is going well. It's nice when you start to get back into your normal routine, isn't it? You start to feel like yourself again. Take it easy yet, you don't want to try to do too much too soon. I think it is great that you are going back to work, but I have to agree that it is a good decision that you are not going back out on the ambulance yet. You will be back there before you know it. I hope your recovery continues to go smoothly.

It sounds like your recovery is going well too. Glad to hear it. I received blood after my surgery. The first unit was my own that they had from my surgery. They eventually had to give me a second unit while I was still in the ICU to help bring my blood pressure up. Sounds like you are doing everything you should be. Your energy will eventually return. Just give it time. I always tell people to look at their recovery week to week instead of day to day. You notice a big difference that way. I hope your recovery continues to be uneventful.

Take Care!

I don't know any specifics about other docs in the area. I had my surgery done at Loyola by Dr. Bahkos. Rush and Univ. of Chicago are two of the top for Cardiology. I know this not only from research but also exp. As an EMT, I'm in and out of all the hospitals. Nothing but top notch in those three. Take a look around and you'll find one you are comfortable with. Let me know if there is anything else.
Hi Dave,

Sounds like things are moving right along for you. I would wait to go out in the ambulance again for a while. You really shouldn't be lifting people this soon.

Also wanted to let and Steve know I had my surgery done by Dr. Valluvan Jeevanandam at The University of Chicago Hospital on MArch 8th, 2001. He did a great job. I know there are a number of good top cardiologist in the area! I was a really challenge as he said I had a smaller than normal, but a strong heart! Good thing it was strong. That and a positive attitude pulled me through. I guess they also had a problem after surgery with getting me to stop bleeding. Four Transfusions! I too wasn't able to give my own blood because there was only three days betwwen when they tried to do the minimum invasive surgery until the day I ended up having OHS!

Donna, everything seems to be on a positive note for you as well. This is great to hear! Spring and Summer will be here before you know it! OOPS! First there is: SUPERBOWL!

I wish you both a speedy recovery and Steve, just keep researching everything you need to know! We will all be here to help! Take care and God Bless!

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