Update on my Dad

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I have sent you a PM with a bit of my experience. Sorry I didn't catch up with this thread before now -- have been off a while during holidays.

If memory serves, the cath showed me at 5.3 before surgery and during surgery, it was measured at 5.5. So 4.8 is getting to the point of needing the replacement, but it is not uncommon for the aneurysm to be a bit larger than that at time of surgery.

Sending all best wishes/thoughts/prayers. Feel free to contact me with any other questions or concerns, since I had the kind of procedure your Dad will have, and I am doing very well -- leading a very active life.

All best....
Thank you Superbob. If it wasnt for this site or the people on it I have no idea what I would do, probably be in a mental hospital!:eek:
I think at least half of us really do belong in a mental "facility" of some sort......;)
The surgeon will take care of the aorta with the valve, it sounds horribly scary, but it's fairly common.
Try to relax, breathe deep, go for a walk, eat a whole chocolate cake.....
Hi JoJo,

Man, we sound very similar. I worry so much about my parents. My mom had a stroke last spring (luckily, she's made a great recovery) and - among other things - my dad was in the hospital a couple of times recently due to internal bleeding. This was made worse by his coumadin but I try not to think about that part since I'm on the stuff myself!

I'm another one who had my aortic valve replaced and an aneurysm repaired at the same time. It was my second surgery so there was a bit of problem with scar tissue build-up but I came through it fine. I'm sure your father will be fine as well - it's amazing what modern medicine can do.

I definitely understand what you're going through. The key is finding a balance so that you're there for your dad but making sure you care for yourself as well. Yet I know from personal experience that's easier said than done!

I wish you and your family all the best.

Hi Everyone - met with surgeon again today, after 7 viles of blood drawn, another EKG and a chest xray - my dad got a surgery date, TWO WEEKS, Jan 20 2009.
Thank you everyone.
Great news JoJo! I know he will do great! I wish my mom had been more like your dad and had her surgery before damage was done. My mom is doing well now, but it could have been so much better if she had not waited so long to have it done. My prayers and best wishes to your dad and whole family-Deb:)
Great news! He will do just fine. And I am sure you all would like this to get done and have some peace of mind.
Now it's really "official"- I put it on the calendar. I know you will be relieved to have it behind you!
My surgeon also gave me two weeks notice. It would have been even shorter notice but he wanted me off al aspirin products for two weeks and no one else mentioned that in advance.
It's a momentous day, Jan. 20 -- also Inauguration Day. But most importantly, it's the day your Dad will get this done and move on to better health, Joanne. Keep us posted, please.
Thanks for the warm thoughts. I cant believe it will be in two weeks today. AND he is getting the St Jude also. I stil cant believe it. His INR today was 1.8 so he is a little off. Most times he is right on target but some times its not, that will worry me througout the surgery and of course afterwards! UGH!
Breathe, 1,2,3,4 Breathe, 1,2,3,4. OK, now if you arent' sitting down yet, sit down. Do not under any circumstances rip out your hair.....:eek:

Find a CD that makes you feel warm and cozy, pop it into the CD Player, sit down and let the music flow over you, a soothing glass of wine is optional.

Also optional would be a nice back and shoulder rub from your hubby.

Your dad will be fine. He sounds like a level-headed no non-sense type of guy. How is your mom handling all this?? Maybe you and your husband can just take them out to lunch or dinner. I know it sounds so easy cause it isn't me, but having been there and done that, in the end I was so glad my kids and husband kept me busy and none of us let the surgery be a cloud over our heads. I will keep your dad in my thoughts and prayers come Jan. 20th.
Congratulations on setting the date. Keep busy don't some fun stuff as a family and it'll be here before you know it. Best wish and good luck you you all.
Hi JoJo,

I'll be sending up every positive vibe I can muster on the day of your dad's surgery. Best of luck for a great outcome and a swift recovery.

As others have said, take a deep breath and relax.
