Update #2 on Ovie's heart surgery

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Well-known member
Dec 25, 2011
Sioux City, Iowa.
Ovie's mom again. They had some trouble getting him off the ventilator...he woke up to it and he was ok with it, he didn't panic but getting him to breathe on his own was tough. They took him off the versad and left him on the fentanyl (pain med) to try to get him to be more alert and breathe better. He finally did get off the ventilator last night around 8 pm. He isn't getting much rest and he is pretty exhausted but he came through his surgery well. Today they say is the worst day out of the recovery days...they have to get him up and around this afternoon and that is going to be tough on him. They are going to get him off the IV fentanyl and try to get him on pain pills. I don't think the pain pills are going to be as strong so he may have some pain. But overall he is doing well, no complications, and he is into the healing process. Thanks for all the wishes and nice feedback about him. I know he is thinking of all of you.

Take care, Angela
Good news.

That first night is a bit much. You are constantly alternating between sleep and awake. They had me stand and spin around at about 18 hours. At about 24 hrs, I was able to walk maybe 10 feet with the walker thing. Must have took 20 minutes.
Thanks for the update, Sounds like you all had a long night. I hope you were able to get some rest too. Hopefully when things will start moving a little better today and once he is up and moving he will begin to feel a little better and more like himself.
Again Angela thank you for the update about Ovie. I will continue to keep him and your family in my prayers. Ovie is strong and I think he went into this very informed on what to expect, so I think he will do fine once he can get up and moving a little. That first 24 hours is a lot to put a body through. So tell him we are all still pulling for him and we hope to see him posting again in the next few days. For now, it is take it slow, breathe, eat a little if possible, and walk (even if it only starts out with 4 steps). God Bless You All
Thank you Angela for another update. The first 24 hours are the toughest as that's when the most swelling takes place. After that, it should all get easier. Getting up and moving around really helps start to get the swelling down, not to mention moving your muscles makes you feel more alive! Slowly but surely, and you'll be surprised at how fast "slowly" is.

We'll keep Ovie in our thoughts and look forward to another update.
Thanks so much for the update, Angela.
Good they will get him moving. Much as we'd rather lay in bed the walking makes a huge difference. The more active, the more walking, the better. I was on pain pills from day 2 both my OHS and they controlled my pain just fine. Hopefully they will for Ovie, as well.

Please tell Ovie we are all thinking of him and happy to hear he is safely over the mountain, as we call it.
Glad to hear Ovie is awake, breathing on his own and starting recovery.

Rest is important. Hope Ovie gets some, but it can be tough in the hospital environment. It was for me. Getting out of bed and into a chair today will be great progress. I only walked a few feet that first day. Once he gets moved to the "step-down" unit things will progress more rapidly. Don't be too worried. Ovie will be OK.

Thanks for keeping us posted.
So good to hear that surgery went well and he is now off the ventilator. Best wishes for a quick and uneventful recovery.
Here is that update I was looking for. Best wishes to Ovie. Tell him to be strong and take things one little step at the time.

Also, if you can, please get some rest. Ovie will need your help so you need to be rested.
Best wishes to Ovie and glad he is slowly coming out of the fog and into the sunlight. May his recovery continue to go well.

All the best.

Thanks for the update. Glad Ovie's off the ventilator -- I had to do into overtime with that, too; always good to be independent of it. Hope you can get yourself a some rest, too. Continuing to say prayers.
Thanks Angela, make sure you get your rest as well. Hope now Ovie can get that deep breathing exercise going and some small walks in.
Go Ovie !!
Ovie's mom again. They had some trouble getting him off the ventilator...he woke up to it and he was ok with it, he didn't panic but getting him to breathe on his own was tough. They took him off the versad and left him on the fentanyl (pain med) to try to get him to be more alert and breathe better. He finally did get off the ventilator last night around 8 pm. He isn't getting much rest and he is pretty exhausted but he came through his surgery well. Today they say is the worst day out of the recovery days...they have to get him up and around this afternoon and that is going to be tough on him. They are going to get him off the IV fentanyl and try to get him on pain pills. I don't think the pain pills are going to be as strong so he may have some pain. But overall he is doing well, no complications, and he is into the healing process. Thanks for all the wishes and nice feedback about him. I know he is thinking of all of you.

Take care, Angela
Thanks Angela I think we will get you to be the forum reporter and give positive reports on all completed surgeries
Good to hear he's making progress. I bet by now the nurses are bugging him about some of his bodily functions, since they want to make sure that everything is in working order. Thanks for the update. Ovie's should make some giant strides from here out. Hope you are holding up well to the stress of watching him go through his recovery.