Two years already!

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Well-known member
Dec 13, 2010
San Diego, CA, USA
Well, yesterday marked two years of mileage on my On-x Aortic valve. Hard to believe its been two years already. I met with my Cardio yesterday and, after he did the usual listening to my ticker, he sat down and told me my recent echo was good and I was doing great. He even said I could try stopping my Lasix (and Potassium). If that works out, my meds will be down to just Warfarin -- woohoo! After years of meeting with my Cardio, this was the first time where we had no issues or anticipated issues to talk about- it was almost awkward, but good nonetheless. I feel so much better than I have anytime in the last five years (at least) I have to say, life is good.

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