Thoughts and prayers for my friend

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Well-known member
Jun 5, 2007
New York, NY (my mom lives on Long Island).
Hi there,
I just wanted to ask for some prayers and good thoughts for my amazing friend and office room-mate Michelle, who is going to have surgery next Tuesday to fix an aortic anyuerism that is partially dissected. This is her third OHS; her first was an emergency for an aortic dissection, her second was for AVR and MVR replacement (she is pretty much a walking miracle). Just wanted to get some thoughts and prayers going from the heart community.
I feel for her. I'm one of those walking miracles too, so I know what it's all about. Most certainly will add her to the list.
Michelle is certainly on my prayer list. Tell her I said hello, and that we are all rooting for her!
Wishing your friend Michelle the very best with her surgery this coming week! She will be in my prayers!

Keep us updated on her condition if you can!

Thank you so much for all of your prayers and thoughts. Michelle read and appreciated them. I am so sad to let you know that she did not make it through her surgery. I want to stress as much as I can that she was not a typical case, nor was she going in for a valve replacement. She had an extensive aortic dissection (much more extensive than her doctors thought) and several other very rare heart problems such as ductus arteriosis, as well as a rare connective tissue disorder (Turner's syndrome). I debated whether to post this because I don't want people to think that this is a likely or common outcome for OHS or for valve replacement- it is definitely not. Michelle had two successful OHSs in her life that she was grateful for everyday. I am very lucky to have known her and it is an honor to have been her friend. Thank you so much again for all of your prayers.
You have my condolences. For me, it's survivors guilt. I should never have made it through my dissection, but somehow I did. I know how awful it is and would never wish anything like that on my worst enemy.

Heck yes you need to post this. People get too complacent around here when all they see are good outcomes and never hear about the bad ones. It's part of life and part of the package of heart surgery for some. To not post it is a dishonor to your friend/loved one.
Katie, I am so sorry. I will never understand why such bad things have to happen to good people. May her soul rest in peace. Daren