Third Valversary--Sorry I haven't been in touch for so long

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Hi, I just celebrated my third anniversay of my mitral valve repair on Dec. 5, 2011.

I haven't been on this site in long time. Right after my surgery I was on it 24/7 but then it became too much for me, especially because of all the post surgical issues I was having and generally feeling somewhat depressed.

But I've come a very long way from then and now I'm feeling and doing great and just wanted to share that here because there's really no where else to express this where it will be understood.

I have my annual stress echo/treadmill test next Friday. I'm hoping my cardio will take me off my beta blocker after the test but if she doesnt or if she only reduces the dose I will be just fine with it. :)

Hope everyone is doing well.
Good luck with getting off the beta blockers. I'm a year and a half past my surgery, and looking forward to the day that I can cut or eliminate my dosage. My cardiologist said he would consider it at my next appointment. I never really thought about the side effects from these while I was in recovery, so now get to find a way to drop 20 pounds in the new year, because I kept eating as if I had my old metabolism once I got through the initial phase of recovery. Weight gain was something I never had to worry about in the past.
I think I know what it feels like to become "The Beta Blocker Blob." I was prescribed a 100 mg/day dosage of metoprolol post-op and seemed to be gaining weight for no reason. We recently cut the dosage in half (to 50 mg/day) and I've dropped a couple of pounds. Hope it keeps on that way. . .

Sparklette, It is good to hear that things have settled down for you. Each of us who can tell others that we've come through surgery and gotten our lives back under control becomes a beacon for those who are still looking ahead at surgery.
Thank you!!

And YES the "beta blocker blob" is the best description ever! I was on 100mgs originally and then 1.5 years later my cardio finally cut the dose to 75mg and then to 50mg. When I hit 50mg the difference was amazing. While on the higher doses I never truly felt like my old self, put on a ton of weight (very depressing when you're a single early 30's woman in NYC amongst the masses) and other smaller side effects. Two weeks after being on 50mgs I noticed such huge differences and it was SOOO nice to be able to say ok, all those crappy feelings before was the meds and not me.

Originally my cardio said that she had no idea if I could ever come off the drugs (ACE inhibitor, betablocker and aspirin) which felt very discouraging (even though I understand she cannot predict this stuff). So at my third annual checkup she cut my 50mg to 25mg and then said after a week take nothing and we'll do the stress echo while you're off the beta blocker. My test is this Friday and I've been off the beta blocker completely since last Tuesday.

I'm pretty sure I'll get put back on for at least 25mg just based on how my heart has been the last week but that is totally fine with me. And having this peaceful attitude (no idea when/how that happened b/c my anxiety level after surgery was quite high) has been one of the best benefits to the surgery overall.

I once told someone (a doctor acquaintance) that having open heart surgery was one of the best experiences of my life and I will always remember how taken aback they were. I also explained to him that I didn't always feel that way. The level of depression, pain and anxiety that I had for the first two years are not something I want to revisit ever again.

Anyway, thatnks for the messages. It cheers me up to be back on this site again. I'm smiling very wide as I type this. :)