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So....a little more info for you. Took my first shower today and I feel much better. There were only 2 moments of unpleasantness - 1) I woke up in the ICU with the breathing tube in and stayed awake for the next 45 min. Most unhappy. then....2) the roommate in the step-down unit. From the visitors that arrived AFTER closing hours and were loud for over an hour (did I mention they were drunk?) to the calls at 12:15am that lasted 30 min, I didn't get much sleep. He was a 'study' of what makes a bad roommate. There's more stories but I want the bad 'mojo' part of this to end.'s over and I'm home. Again - thanks to everyone for their support. You all ROCK!

All in all, it couldn't have gone better.
Ah....the beloved shower!! Sorry to hear that you didn't have the 'best' roomate, but SO glad that you are on the road to recovery. All the very best!
Good to hear that you are home. You are going to make tremendous strides in the next few days, although you may not realize it at the moment. Keep on getting better!
Dave, happy to hear you are home. Yes sometimes roommates in the hospital can be such a PITA. So now that you are home, I hope your recovery is smooth and bump free. Remember, walk, use your spirometer, eat, rest and enjoy the quiet of your surroundings. :)
This a big group thank you card - awesome comments really feel priviledged to hv met you all Have been home a few days well. Half of Tu & now wed& half of Thursday. Doing great. Moving in the right direction. Who ever says to pack your right
Attitude in with you was so right. Go in smiling -,. Come out smiling. Works !! that was very important to me

Dave. So glad u r doing well & a personal notes to those of u who were all there for dick & me. So much appreciated

Be well & I'll post agin soon. Hugs. Nancy Jane ! St Louis 2-9. FINALLY!