Syncope again-anyone else?

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Well-known member
Oct 13, 2005
Baltimore, MD
Hi all.
I know I have been absent from the site for a while. New grandbaby, job , etc. I need to get some support and info.
Since my heart surgery in Aug. '05 I have had 3 episodes of syncope(passing out briefly) The first was 10 days after surgery and diagnosed as dehydration. I was in the hospital overnight and given fluids. Second was a week after cataract surgery. Lots of tests-no answers. I have an implanted cardiac loop recorder as a result of that incident.
This Sun. we had gone out to breakfast, I stood to change seats in the waiting area so another woman could sit. I sat down, felt funny and passed out. 911 to the local hospital. I was on a monitor, worked up and in progressive cardiac unit overnight into yesterday afternoon. Was seen by several docs including a good cardiologist (not mine). Decision was that it was not heart related. I see the cardiac electrophysiologist in 2wks and he can retrieve data from this event.
It has shaken my confidence. I was doing so well and hadn't passed out for over 14 months. Thought this was in my past.
Just need to hear from some of my buddies on this site.
Thanks , Joanne
Sorry to hear you're having this problem, but don't let it shake your confidence too much. I can't offer any information or advice as this isn't something I have experienced. A neighbour of mine had a problem with dizziness and sometimes "blacking out" and it ended up being dietary related (apparently an allergic reaction of some kind).

Hopefully the doctors will be able to nail the cause soon. Good luck and take care.


*Hi Joanne, Im sorry to see that you are going through this stuff. It must be scary for you. I hope you get to the bottom of whats going on soon. Best Wishes...Jacqui.
Hey, JoAnne. I am sorry to hear about your syncope. I am also glad you will be seeing an EP. My brother also had syncope and we went through so much to find out what was causing it. It got better via meds but he never got over it altogether.

Look up Dr Rich - or Dr Richard Fogoros. He's an online EP and gives information - not advice - via his forum and through articles he writes. I highly recommend you read some of his articles. He covers a myriad of heart subjects, including syncope. He has a forum on About.Com where you can ask questions and he personally answers them through the forum. Check it out.

Good luck.

p.s. skip over the ads. He hates them but About.Com was not going to keep his stuff unless he allowed those dang things, because so many of us asked him to stay on for us.
Sure sounds like a BP drop to me but I am not a professional. I have dizzy problems and almost fainting spells now and then and my BP is always low when they happen.

Are you on beta-blockers or somethings similar?


Thanks to those of you who have gotten back to me.
I had a very good nurse yesterday who actually checked the blood pressure lying, sitting and standing. I did drop considerably from sitting to standing. Today since I was at home I monitored myself. My pressure is low normal and I am still dropping low when I stand.
Guess I will have to wait until I see the EP to check the data in the implanted monitor.
Doctors explained it to us - that when you stand, the blood flow isn't able to keep the flow, causing a sudden drop and you faint or become near fainting. Several times my brother was 'going down' but I managed to get him seated - even it if was on the floor.
It happened to me once a few months after my AVR - pretty scary at the time. Went to see my cardiologist to get checked out. He did an EKG, echo, blood work and had me wear a Holter monitor, but couldn't find anything. Doc thought it was just "one of those things". Haven't any more problems in the last six years.

The two faint spells ive had (one major/one minor) have been when i've been sitting.

The worst one i was sitting down after a short walk and felt clammy and my temp went up then when i stood i felt worse, taking on water and a 5 minute lie down fixed that one......the minor one i just started feeling clammy and hot when sitting down so gulped down two large glasses of water and it went away.

I'm only 6 weeks post op so can't comment on the long term.

I'm on beta blockers so assumed that they had contributed.

If you get to the bottom of it please post a result...:)
the original ones my brother had seemed to be brought on by stress or excitement. He planned some trips but just before leaving he'd pass out or come near to it and have to cancel his trips. They got worse eventually. When Mother was dying in the hospital, the doctors sent us all out in the hall and we were leaning against it and my brother began to slowly slide down. I began to call out "HELP, HELP". Staff came to help, but it quickly passed and he was ok till the next time. We took his cat to the vet one day and he started to go down but I grabbed him, called out his name, and got him in a chair and he got ok. One day he felt dizzy in a grocery store, sat down on a bench, woke to find his head on the shoulder of a man sitting next to him. The man was quickly leaving! It's really a strange happening.

I know there are medicines that can help.
?Cymbalta and Syncope

?Cymbalta and Syncope

I really appreciate all the support you all have given me this week. I have been depressed about this episode. For those who remember the movie Jaws.."Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water.."
Just when I thought I was reclaiming my life after OHS this happened. The docs at the hospital didn't think it was a major event.
My sister called to tell me that she saw an ad for Cymbalta on CNN. The ad states that this drug can cause syncope. I went to the site of the manufacturer who clearly state that Cymbalta can cause orthostatic BP changes and syncope. I was started on Cymbalta for fibromyalgia in October. I have been checking my BP only this wk and have found it low with some orthostatic changes. I spoke to my doctor after I came home from the hospital. Why didn't she mention this?? I also showed orthostatic BP changes at the hospital. Why didn't anyone else point out that the Cymbalta could be causing this?? Very frustrating!
Any thoughts??
Joanne, it is a shame that the doctors never mentioned the side effects of the Cymbalta. It's a good idea to bookmark a site which lists all drugs and their possible side effects such as and to always check out any new medications you are on. It's the old story that you are your own best advocate. Hoping that your recovery is smooth from here on out. Best wishes,
My brother was on many meds and every time he got a new one, I searched the net to find out about it. I learned to do that because he was put on amiodarone that ruined him - thereafter I remained vigilant about his meds. I search out my own meds, too. Not only do I go on a rx list (mentioned in previous post) but I just type in the med name and other sites come up, some of them from individuals with their personal experiences with the drug. That was how I found about the awful side effects of amiodarone, that he was having.

I can't recall what med he was put on for orthostatic hypotension.

Hope the cessation of this med you are on will cure yours.
I have problems with orthostatic hypertension as well. As far as the meds go - I go online and read everything that I can about each on I take. The docs tell me a great deal - but they don't know everything. Many of my meds also cause dizziness. On three of mine - I have found where it says not to take them with something else I am on - unless carefully watched. These are things to talk about at the next doc appt. I would advice everyone to do this - and often. Each time I sit and research - l learn something new. I have learned - as everyone here has - it is you you need to protect - thank goodness for our ability to gain more info.

Best of luck to you!!!

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