Symptoms before surgery

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Well-known member
Apr 12, 2013
Hello People,

What are the symptoms you faced before surgery?

Is a palpitation post constipated stool common? My pulse was around a 100bpm but had a little uneasy feeling as well. Any symptoms that you guys faced in particular? what did your doc suggest to this?

I have heard that "bearing down" can have an effect on the heartbeat. Sometimes they say to bear down to get rid of palpitations, but I have also heard that it can bring them on.
It happened for the first time. Neways thanks for the replies. Its just that i am a person who hits the gym everyday n since my doc has asked me not to strain most of my physical activity has stopped. Its caused a lot of disturbance in my sleep schedule my digestive schedule as well as in my brain. I sometimes feel i am tired but i feel im dull i have panic attack issues as well. Just to much of a life cycle disturbance..
Like Adrienne stated, whenever I was bearing down in the past, it has given me arrythmias. I avoid that situation anyway out of fear of aortic dissection. Triggering a valsalva vagal nerve response I believe can cause the same arrythmias like when a echocardiogram technician has you hold your breath when they are using their doppler instrument on your abdomen.
It happened for the first time. Neways thanks for the replies. Its just that i am a person who hits the gym everyday n since my doc has asked me not to strain most of my physical activity has stopped. Its caused a lot of disturbance in my sleep schedule my digestive schedule as well as in my brain. I sometimes feel i am tired but i feel im dull i have panic attack issues as well. Just to much of a life cycle disturbance..

Have you been at least walking. That is one exercise I am sure the doctor will recommend to you. No mountain climbing, no tread mill, no jogging, just plain walking. It might help you with some of the problems you are having. Just 10 to 15 minutes, three times a day to start, and then build up. But go slowly. Just try it. It might help. If you are fearful of that, talk to the doctor. Just one of many suggestions you may get. Hugs for today. :)
Thank you for your replies.

Carolin and Kim I still walk but not the exercise walk it like i still go out hang out with friends and stuff but yeah sometimes when i strain i feel my heart pounding in my chest and also i feel a very tight feeling in my chest and these feeling then are taken over by anxiety and then it takes a long time till i calm myself down. :(