symptoms after exercising

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Well-known member
Jun 30, 2008
I sometimes experience symptoms after exercising the next day. I wake up in the morning with chest discomfort and feel badly most of the day and usually take nitro. I basically have to rest or the symptoms start up again. Has anyone ever experienced this before.
I've never had any effects other than general fatigue.

If you're experiencing specific chest pain or discomfort you need to see your doctor.

When did you have your surgery?! If you are still recovering, you might experience some discomfort if your heart has not healed yet completely. One time I forgot I had OHS and I tried to move a night stand as I was feeling took quite a while to recover from chest heaviness.

As we say here, If in doubt, check it out!
Yesterday, I did my exercising by walking quickly in a mall. After awhile, I broke out into a sweat to the point where I was dripping wet, although the mall was well air-conditioned. Thankfully, when I came home, and took my vitals, they were o.k., but it was a bit of a scare for me.
There are several possible causes for Chest 'discomfort'.

Did the Nitrostat help? If so, you may have some Coronary Artery Issues that need to be identified by your Cardiologist (think Heart Cath / Angiogram).

Were you doing weight training type exercises?
or other muscular activities such as push mowing the lawn, or moving furniture, etc?
Those can all have residual effects.
Reduce your activity level, take a mild pain reliever (be sure it is compatiable with Coumadin if you are anticoagulated), and REST for a day or two.

How long has it been since your surgery?
Sternum issues can also cause chest 'discomfort',
even years after surgery if you 'over-do it'.

'AL Capshaw'
Marilyn, could it be that your discomfort is muscular relating to the exercise rather than 'heart' type pain? I only ask because I get lots of aches and pains the day after playing squash but I can readily discern mine as being muscular as opposed to the dragging discomfort from heart/lung issues.

If you don't think it is, you should talk to your doctor as others have said, but I'd be inclined to put it down to some kind of muscle fatigue given it's not happening right away after your exercise.

Take care, Lynn
I had similar feelings right after exercising, turned out to be exercise induced asthma.