Swelling 5 weeks post-op :(

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Well-known member
Aug 11, 2005
Omaha, Nebraska
So I've been home a couple weeks now, thank goodness... after 4 weeks in the hospital with all my complications! I was on lasix when I came home, and I came off of that a week and a half ago with no problems.

However, I went back to work and did some shopping yesterday, and have been out and about all day today... my feet all of a sudden started to swell up last night. I slept with them elevated (and took a lasix) last night, woke up this morning and they were fine. But once again, by this afternoon they're swollen again - even had indentations from my flip flops! :( So I don't know if I'm just over-doing it now, or if there's a change somewhere.

I did page my cardiologist's nurse and talked to her - they're having me do my lasix twice a day again (20mg each) and then call them Monday to update them.

Anyone else have this start up spontaneously? My diet hasn't increased in sodium, I always have lots of sodium. :) I'll make sure I'm drinking lots of water (which will be wonderful with the lasix, I'm sure - my bladder is still compressed from that hematoma so I already have a good frequency going there). :)

Just curious if this is just normal or not.

Your still early out of the gate. If you still have this 6 months out, then you've probably got a lasting problem, but right now, I wouldn't get too excited about it. ;)
Kerri, I have had problems with swelling in situations similar to yours since I had my surgery. I never had them beforehand. In my case, my cardiologist thinks it is due to them closing my asd which acted somewhat as a pop off valve when pressures got too high in my condition. It is an annoyance and I was concerned with it at first, but as time has gone on, I've gotten used to it and know when I'm going to need lasix (which I don't need daily).

Hope yours resolves itself and glad you are finally home as I know you are.

Kerri i had so much fluid after surgery i looked like a human sea balloon,
came off my lasix and to no avail had to be put back on the water
pills due to my chf and so no change in any of my drugs cept the
amidodarone i was taken off of after my mitral surgery oh well good thing
is no new ones as of yet;) check it out though this is not a comfortable
situation to have continue. God Bless

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