Surgeon Visits Post Op

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Well-known member
Oct 15, 2005
Do most of you have year later follow up visits with your surgeon? I saw mine (both OHS) six weeks post op and we said good bye. (Never thought I'd need another surgery :( ) I have noticed references here that some of you see your surgeons a year (and more) later and wonder if that is common?
Gee I'm not sure.
The last time I saw my surgeon was about 6 months post-op and he said to me "I hope I never have to see you again" I replyed "ditto".
For myself, I understand that I only see my cardiologist once a year now.
I didn't and I don't think it's that common. That's what Cardiologists are for. With the number of surgeries my surgeon said he does, doing one-year follow-ups would be an unbelieveable tax on his time with what I would perceive to be little benefit.
I saw my surgeon about six weeks after my surgery and at that time he turned me over to my cardio. I sure hope I don't have to see him again because that would mean trouble.
I saw my surgeon twice while I was in the hospital. But basically after surgery my cardio took over. I don't know if that is SOP, or if it was my cardio was basically the top dog at the teaching hospital I had surgery at.
My Surgeon took out my stitches on day 10 post-op and I am glad I don't have to see him again! He told me I am just a big cry baby when he took my stitches out and I almost cried from pain.

Cardio did 6 weeks check-up and I have to see him again in 6 months time. Hopefully thereafter only once a year.
I had 2 surgeons from the same practice for AVR and later pericardial window for effusion.
Both times there was a chest x-ray to be scheduled before a one-week follow-up appointment with the nurse practitioner, and a two-week follow-up with the cardiologist. Those were part of my discharge instructions.

(Waved at the first surgeon in the hall while being carted to x-ray during second stay. He boomed "Hello, BONNIE".)
I with the majority. Saw my surgeon 6 weeks out and he said he will be retired before I would need a replacement. So we said our good byes then.
With the number of surgeries my surgeon said he does, doing one-year follow-ups would be an unbelieveable tax on his time with what I would perceive to be little benefit.

That is what I was thinking in terms of my surgeon. I can't imagine he would have the time for all those appointments. The six week one is important but done after that. Much as I like and greatly treasure him.....

It struck me to read how some had those sort of follow ups.
I saw my surgeon 1 week after leaving the hospital and that was it.

Not sure if those with repairs are followed more than those with replacements. Dr. Ryan told John at his 1-year post-op to come back if he ever had a concern.

I have some perivalvular regurgitation, so I asked Dr. Ryan during our visit about that. "Nice" :eek: to know that if I ever need to have OHS again, that Dr. Ryan could do it with a right thoracotomy incision, instead of another sternotomy.
The last time I saw my surgeon was at the hospital. Since then, all my check-ups have been done with my Cardio who sends copies of the info to Dr. David. There's nothing unusual, so I guess no reason to see Dr. David who I am sure is very busy. As far as I'm concerned, I was blessed to have him in the operating room and that's what's important.
My surgeon has appointments with me annually for 5 years after my OHS. This is partly because I was such a difficult case with serious unexpected complications. Secondly he wants to personally keep an eye on my Aorta. I also see my Cardio yearly or earlier if I have any concerns.
I saw my surgeon only once, about five days after surgery. We spoke only for about five minutes. We scheduled a six-week follow-up, but he was called into emergency surgery less than 20 minutes before we arrived. Since I had my surgery on one of his clinic days, I guess it was only fair, but still... We drove through driving snow with both kids--just to show him what saving my life had spared the family from going through. His nurse, Molly, saw us and talked a bit, and removed a suture that was sticking out the bottom of my incision. Mostly, it seemed a waste of time, as she didn't know a thing about what Dr. Huerd had found during my surgery--except that there had been no video or pictures taken during the surgery--I would have liked to have seen those if there had been any. Of course I wasn't in any condition to have asked when I got to Boise December 12th.

I don't think I'll see him again, as he's both busy and hasn't returned my inquiries via email or phone. At least my heart's fixed...

I must be special, I saw my surgeon 7 out of the 9 days following the surgery on February 25. I saw him then on April 1, and I'm seeing him on May 26. I saw cardiologist on May 2, and he doesn't want to see me again until August 8.

My son saw his surgeon about 3 months after his last surgery because they thought he was going to be put on the transplant list (his ef went up since then). My son is going to see him in 2 weeks (15 months post op) because his worried mom (that's me!) needs some reassurance about a few things and in my mind his surgeons are the miracle workers that saved his life so I want to hear straight from the horse's mouth what I should and shouldn't be worrying about. Obviously, my son was an extremely complicated case - I don't think most valvers would need to see their surgeons after the surgery.
I had my surgery at Mass General also. I saw Dr. Vlahakes 6 weeks post op and he said he would not need to see me ever again!! I was a little confused but that was three years ago and I'm glad I haven't had to see him!:)


I suspect visits with the surgeon beyond six weeks post-op are not the norm. Unless complications are indicated that concern one's surgeons, most pass the monitoring stuff to a cardiologist.

I saw my surgeon every day after surgery until I left hospital, at 3 months post op and I have an appointment 6 months from the 3 month one.I saw my primary physcian 30 days after surgery.I saw my cardio 3 months from surgery and have another appointment 3 months from that date.My insurance company must really love me:D
My surgeon, I discovered, sees patients with uneventful recoveries twice, one week (when some are still in hospital) and three weeks--longer, of course, if surgical complications keep him in the picture--after which he gives them back to their cardiologists, who may have referred them in the first place. I have heard this is fairly typical. If future surgeries become necessary, of course, you will be referred back to the surgeon.

Trust me, you do not want to be followed regularly by your surgeon; his forte is cutting, not patient consideration of random complaints. My surgeon is actually one of the less impatient surgeons, and I am still VERY happy to be back with my cardiologist who takes time to check out little complaints and answer questions and make sure the little signs and symptoms are resolving themselves as they ought.