Surgeon recommends mechanical, but what do I want???

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This is a life changing event. It is a serious event. Why people think they should do this again and again, when they haven't had their first surgery, is beyond me.

In defense, I have to say this. I've had surgery before, though never OHS, without having had it before, it's impossible to know what it's like. I know when I was considering a tissue valve, I thought heart surgery would be pretty much like any other surgery with a longer time to recuperate. Well, it was nothing like that for me. So when you don't know, you just don't know.
Since when is it unusual for a surgeon to recommend a particular type or brand of valve. Mine made a recommendation. I think many of them make recommendations all the time.
I agree. We do see people commenting on their surgeon's recommendation quite frequently. Usually it's because of age or other medical conditions, sometimes it's because a woman is young and wants to have children or more children.
Yes, many posters here have noted that their surgeons didn't make a recommendation; on the flip side, many posters have also noted that their surgeons did make a recommendation.

Personally, I don't believe it's unusual for surgeons to make recommendations at all. There are many members here whose surgeons made recommendations regarding valve choice. Speaking for myself, I actively sought my surgeon's recommendation.


It is NOT uncommon for Surgeons (and Hospitals) to only offer a Limited Selection of Valves.
I know of surgeons who seems to only use SJM. Our local surgeons used to only offer SJM Mechanical and Bovine Pericardial Tissue Valves. They have added Carbomedics after recruiting 2 more surgeons.
Some Hospitals put their Valve Business out for Competitive Bid.
Cleveland Clinic now offers SJM and On-X Mechanical Valves and seems to prefer the Bovine Pericardial Tissue Valves.
Some of our members received Carbomedics Mechanical Valves from the Mayo Clinic (I'm guessing they also offer SJM).

Bottom Line: Selecting a particular Surgeon often also amounts to a limited selection of Valve Manufacturer(s).
SO, if you have your 'heart set' on a particular Valve or Procedure (e.g. Ross Procedure), you need to find a Surgeon who is familiar with your choice and willing to use your choice.

'AL Capshaw'
I was 47 when I had my surgery and both my cardiologist and surgeon strongly urged me to choose a mechanical valve, primarily to reduce the need for repeat surgeries down the road.
My surgeon discussed a couple of options with mechanicals, including minimally invasive surgery. His recommendation in the end was that I go with a St Jude mechanical via conventional surgery. A large part of his reasoning was that was what he had the most experience doing, and was very confident of his skills.
Good enough for me.
look at all the facts listen to your gut and go for it, you cant choose a valve on somebody elses case or opinion, we are all different, whatever you choose will be a darn site better than the valve you have now,
look at all the facts listen to your gut and go for it, you cant choose a valve on somebody elses case or opinion, we are all different, whatever you choose will be a darn site better than the valve you have now,

Oh yeah, well I want a velociraptor valve and you won't get me one.
Taking a pill every day should not be a deterent. If you have heart issues you will end up with a daily pill at some point anyway. I simply take my coumadin with my supliments.

As for INR testing; five minutes every two weeks; no big deal.