Suregery postponed -

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Well-known member
Aug 8, 2011
The date has been pushed back. Surprisingly, it's not due to Skyler's cough, it's because the CICU is full. They need to make some space first, and since his surgery is "elective" instead of "emergency", he gets pushed back. He is being put on a "short notice" list, though, so we may only find out the day before. Good thing, though, now has more time to kick the cough!
Sorry to hear that but as you said it's a good time to be able to get rid of the cough so he is going into surgery the best possible shape.. Justin was bumped a time or 2 from the ICU being full , and as someone mentioned to me, since it was a children heart floor, he needed room that 2 babies would fit in. In a way I found it a relaxing time since we did everything we needed to and bougt everything etc for the origonal date so pretty much the extra time we just did fun relaxing things
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Sarah, I had a wonderful recovery after surgery but even I would have found a cough troublesome. I think you are right that a few days will help get Skyler past that. More important, is the issue of lung congestion. The lungs deflate during surgery which is why one of the main issues of early recovery is getting them functioning again. I would say that the delay is definitely to his benefit.
