Suggestion for heart-related children's charity

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Hi All -
Does anybody have a recommendation for a good non-profit organization that helps children with heart problems? Either research and/or direct services? My husband and I would like to make a donation in honor of my surgeon. When we told him, at first he said it was completely unnecessary, then he said if we really wanted to do it that we could choose a charity, then he said that something for kids would be great. That sounds good to us, especially since my heart problem turned out to be a congenital abnormality that most often is corrected by childhood surgery.

I can search the web for charities, but I was hoping to get recommendations here for organizations that people already know about and think highly of.

Ross, that is an interesting link, thank you. i had heard of angel flight before, just vaguely. i will have to have my husband see if his company would be interested in participating in this program. i believe they currently donate flight time to make a wish, but this program is equally worthy. jen
I don't have any specific suggestions, but just wanted to say what a really great idea you had and to thank you on behalf of the children you will be helping in the future by your donation!
A new org.

A new org.

This is a new charity that, I've been followed Alex's (Bubba's) for quiet some time. Kat is a very determined woman, not only helping kids with CHD's but also helping families after the loss of a child with CHD.

One of the biggest CHD NPs that does alot for CHD is
and of course Matt's Mom Jeanne is the founder of CHD Awareness Day has a wonderful NP
here is their goals "We sponsor events and host projects to raise CHD Awareness, education, support and funding for CHD Research."
of course i'm biased since I vol w/ her group. but that's because they do so much, from support groups to carepacks and research
she is working on updating the site, since it is national not just Yale,
actually I do things for a few CHD orgs so if you have any questions feel free to email me

Jaimie kat is amazing, I can't believe how much they have accomplished in such a short time. Lyn
bubba's bears

bubba's bears

Kat, is very inspirational and amazing. If only everyone had her drive. I admire her!
