Sternum Popping

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Well-known member
Apr 1, 2013
St. Louis, Mo
Hi all.... I am experiencing some popping around the sternum, but I don't think it is the sternum itself. Anyone else experience this in the healing process? Any good info?
I did, met with him today. He says likely its cartilage, but wants me to keep an eye on it. I was just curious if others have experienced something similar.
it happened to me on both the surgeries I remember well (don't remember the one at 9yo very well).

As long as your surgeon is satisfied that its not the sternum then I'd say its normal stuff. It probably is cartilidge

People can't even tell you reliably why finger joints crack (or backs) so don't expect engineering standard answres in this area
Yes; I definitely experienced something similar. Like you, my surgeon checked on me and listened to my sternum while I coughed, and declared it okay. I concluded myself that the popping was probably cartilage at the cost-sternal joints (between the sternum and ribs) on the right side. Gotta keep in mind that when they crack the sternum, there is also a whole lot of stress and positions well beyond the normal range of motion for these joints and the joints between the ribs and the spine, and it is not a surprise that there might be some residual effects from that trauma for a while after surgery. It certainly can be disconcerting to feel that "clunk" when you reach for a glass of milk, though! I really concentrated for a few days on limiting the right arm movements that reproduced the clunk, and it went away pretty quickly. Hopefully yours will too.
Thanks everyone! I agree, it's got to be the cartilage. My surgeon seemed to think so, but did say try to avoid activities that make it pop, unfortunately as Gerry points out, sometimes it's a real simple thing that makes it happen.
I too can relate to the popping, started at week 3 the first time I heard it, I saw the surgeon also, cough test, and was sent on my way. At about 3 months out it seem to crack lots with everyday functions, sounded just like Pellicle described, a knuckle cracking, but now at almost 6 months, it's very seldom. Everyone sternum heals at different paces I guess. I'm not very concerned with it anymore. I know early recovery I would listen to every beat and I just get on with's all good
I'm 4 months post surgery & still have an occasional popping of the sternum? Is that normal?

I've been more active lately (yoga, push-ups, etc.) & wondered if it's attributed to that.
I didn't have any popping in my sternum until I re-started push-ups at about a year out. THEN I felt it, but never worried about it, as the bone structure is fully healed by then. After a few weeks it just stopped. I never did find out if it was bone, cartilage, tendons, or what. Of course, my elbow and knees pop, so I'm not surprised something else spoke up.
I didn't have any popping in my sternum until I re-started push-ups at about a year out. THEN I felt it, but never worried about it, as the bone structure is fully healed by then. After a few weeks it just stopped. I never did find out if it was bone, cartilage, tendons, or what. Of course, my elbow and knees pop, so I'm not surprised something else spoke up.

If you were me, would you hold off on the push-ups?
Mine has been popping more lately (9 months post), but only in certain circumstances. For example, if I'm laying down reading, and I have to move because my arms/neck/hands are getting a little stiff, there's a short little ache in those joints as I reposition them, and I get the same thing now with my sternum. Or, if I'm huched forward for a little while, then lean back in my chair, it sometimes pops. The surgeon signed off on the sternum healing months ago, but it wasn't popping then.

I have an appointment with my Cardiologist in two weeks; I'll see what he says.
I'm 4 months post surgery & still have an occasional popping of the sternum? Is that normal?
What does normal mean? The average experience or "it happens but is it a problem?'

It happened more with me on my 2nd surgery than my 3rd. Back at my second op it happened time to time for years. No problems and my surgeon who reviewed me barely looked up from his reading when I mentioned it.

I've been more active lately (yoga, push-ups, etc.) & wondered if it's attributed to that.

Probably, but my view is that it is just a symprooof something that happens during recovery. Nerves are really good things, if it feels bad then that's telling you something. So if its not uncomfortable then it probably isn't an issue.

I did pushups at an incline (pair of stools) for the first year (measured from after 6 months).

I'm kind of with pellicle on this - if it doesn't hurt to do something physical, it is probably OK to proceed. I would start out with low reps and see how you feel. Be careful but not overly picky about form. Just try to work the muscles and tendons some and see if the noise gets better or worse, and if anything hurts more than just muscles that haven't been used for a while. You may still be just a bit early in recovery, but you're a lot younger than I.
Thanks for the input everyone ...

As far as normal, I meant is it normal to have that popping sensation 4 months after surgery ... there's really no pain involved with it, just kind of freaks me out a little I guess :) ... making sure that I'm not doing more harm than good.

I'm sure a lot it has to do with what's between the ears.
Maybe as long as you're the only one who hears it, you can choose to ignore it. My knees, on the other hand, can be heard all the way across the room when they "pop." I still ignore them. . .