Staying the Course -- 6-19-2015

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Steely Resolve!
Supporting Member
Apr 21, 2005
Coastal Carolina
Hello all -- Welcome to another Staying the Course week! To those dropping by for the first time, this is part of the forum that our great friend Cooker initiated as the Throwdown nearly a decade ago -- a little friendly weight-loss competition with lots of friendly banter thrown in. We've kind of mellowed out from the competition, but are committed to staying the course with a fitness quest.

Many of us are still interested in either weight loss or weight management, and we talk about it here. Workouts and nutrition are also key topics, but we're open to just talking about kids, grandkids, things going on with family, etc. We don't get into politics here -- there are a zillion forums on the Internet for that.

We finally had a nice refreshing thunderstorm to offer a brief break from our 100F-plus weather here, but the temps and humidity are forecast to climb right back up again today.

It's been so stifling I've felt that going to a small enclosed community workout room to ride x-bike actually was not healthy. SO I discovered terrific alternative exercise: scrubbing the floors and cleaning the house. Seriously I felt the effects a lot more strongly than just doing a little workout. I suppose to our gals in particular this is NO revelation. Chasing after the grandkids can also be a workout, but a fun one.

Well, that's it for a starter -- hope to hear from many of you over the coming week.


Nothing like productive work to give you some exercise and make your home look nice at the same time! Hope all your family is enjoying the clean house, Superbob. That is a great way to bless your family.

I'm getting back in the game - still working on consistency and have yet to resume running, but doing some weightlifting classes, doing a fair bit of hiking which I love and just trying to get 10,000 steps in. Yesterday I did paddleboard yoga for the first time which was pretty fun, although I was somewhat disappointed not to have a good excuse to "fall" in the lake.

If anybody wants to be Fitbit friends let me know. I just got one and I'm enjoying doing challenges with people. It helps me stay the course, so to speak.

Do something kind for your health today everyone!
Hi, this is my first time posting in this throw-down/staying the course thread, but dornole, I am intrigued by your fit bit friend challenge. I also just recently bought one and wear it all the time! I have no idea how this works, so you have to explain.

Hope nobody minds me just jumping right in.
Welcome Garserin!! I am one of the newer folks here but I think you will find everyone very welcoming, as I have. I'm intrigued by your signature post because Dr. Suri is on my "possible surgeon" list when I get to that point, as he seems to have a lot of research interest in mitral valves and I live in Minneapolis so the Mayo would be doable. I hope you liked his work.

You can only do Fitbit challenges using a wrist based Fitbit and an app (like on a smartphone or tablet), not the computer dashboard. If you have one of those and download the app it's pretty straightforward, you can look up who you know has a fitbit based on email and do challenges for the most steps, for everyone to meet their goal, etc by just tapping on the screen. On the computer all you get is the 7 day totals for your friends. If you DO have a phone/tablet and want more help or to be friends on there let me know. : )
I don't have a fitbit but I do use a Garmin smart watch that is designed for exercise. You can use it to compare/compete with others, but I just use it to track my daily number of steps, walking pace, etc. Completed my first week of cardiac rehab at Brookhaven Hospital on Long Island. I like it but I'm not working very hard and I've asked them to adjust the exercises to make them harder. I did find out some useful max HR of 131 and exercise HR target of 95-105. I'm certain I didn't make 95 last week. Anyway, I'll return and keep going back for now because I like using the machines. At home I'm lifting light weights and doing stretches plus walking. My weight is steady at 190. Wishing everyone a good week ahead.
Welcome Garserin -- delighted to have you join in here. I don't have any of the technological workout stuff yet but Fitbit seems fascinating, Maybe I'll ask Santa Claus for one. Or maybe I'll just wait until they invent one that will do the exercise for you. Seriously, I'm interested to read about all the newest gadgets and maybe I'll get one. Cheers….
Good Sunday morning everyone and thank you for the welcome. Dornole I have the Fitbit charge HR and a smart phone. I have the app on it, but I really just use the Fitbit dashboard on my computer. I also try to get 10,000 steps in every day and will sometimes go for a walk to reach my goal.

Dr. Suri is a mitral valve specialist, especially robotics. Of course he does aortic valves also and repaired my severely leaking aortic valve and huge aneurysm (60 mm) four years ago. Many cardiac surgeons would not have attempted a repair, but I am happy he did. Even though I still have some leakage I would do the same thing again if I had to make that choice today. Btw, I am a 5'3" female, 66 years old.

I am not trying to loose any weight, just maintaining keeps me pretty busy. I dropped about 18 pounds after surgery over the course of 2 years and have been able to keep them off, but it's a constant struggle. I love food, what can I say.

Well, if you do use the app ever, you can go to "friends" hit the plus sign in the top right corner and it can search your contacts for people you know who have fitbit whom you can invite as friends. After they accept you can issue or accept "challenges" from them like most steps in day, every hit your goal today, weekend warrior, or work week. I usually do better on days I have a challenge going.

My current cardiologist says I will definitely need a replacement vs repair and is probably right as he is pretty research-oriented (he was recently involved in the first transcatheter mitral valve replacement in the US). Still, unless that tech develops ridiculously quickly he won't be the guy working on me next time - he's an interventional cardiologist, not a surgeon. So who knows maybe a surgeon will think I have repair options like you did. Now I think of it, I think you gave me info here about Dr. Suri before.

Carry on everyone and try to make a lot of healthy choices. Happy Father's Day to the dads!
I'm not using a FitBit or Garmin, but I do have a Mio Alpha2 heart rate monitor/exercise watch. I haven't been using any of its advanced capabilities though - I just like the ability to have a heart rate monitor without a chest strap for my workouts.

My weight has been pretty stable for several years, since surgery, but this summer I've lost a few pounds. Probably not the way I would want to lose it -- I just cut back on eating. I'm the bachelor this month, as my wife is out east with our daughter and new grandson. I've been sort of overwhelmed at work, and by the time I get home, I just don't much feel like making a big dinner, eating and then cleaning up after it. So, I've been eating very simple meals, and losing a couple of pounds from that. I'm guessing that once the DW comes home, we will get back to a more normal diet and some of the weight will return. If I manage the process correctly, I will be able to return to my "summer" weight, which is a few pounds lighter than my winter weight.
I'm late to this week's party, but it's been a busy 10 days. We spent a few days at a Kentucky state park along with 35 other members of my husband's family. We gather every other year for a combined vacation and reunion get together. I was able to swim while we were there, but the lodge offered a great breakfast buffet that worked against weight loss. We leave this Friday for a week-end in Memphis, so I doubt that the scales will be my friend upon our return. I'm doing what I can to not gain any weight and trying my best not to get aggravated with the results. I've learned that summer is fleeting; weight loss attempts seem to last a lifetime. I'm enjoying the summer!
Enjoy the summer, Duffey! That includes good food shared with the family. Sounds like you're doing the best you can to mix in some exercise (better than I am in this heat wave. no doubt)…..
Yes, definitely enjoy it while you can! I've been trying to get in some additional walks, but the weather has been so unpredictable that there is no routine to it. Yesterday was beautiful. Tonight they are warning about another band of heavy, strong storms to come through. Temps will plummet and the rains may come. Wild weather here, so enjoy what you can!