Spring - Summer - Fall activities?

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Now that warmer weather is (mostly) here ... what seasonal activities are back on your schedule/priority lists?


walking during my 2 15-minute breaks at work (when weather is nice)

cars (driving and cleaning, when/IF I get the MCs out for the year)

road trips

softball (Elgin City League ... brother-in-law's team Tuesday nights; Dad's team Friday nights)

Cort | 36.m.IL | "Mr Monte Carlo"."Mr Road Trip" | pig valve.pacemaker * 07/24/2010=ChitownMeet #3 *
MCs.Caprice | models.HO.legos.CHD.RadioShows | RTs.us66 = http://www.chevyasylum.com/cort
"Your heart is in serious danger" ... Tanya Tucker & T Graham Brown ... 'Don't Go Out'
Walking definitely gets back onto my list. I usually try to get out for a walk at lunch time. I have several "routes" in the area near work, and can often log a mile or two before I have to go back to the mayhem of work. It sure helps keep my "inner calm" intact.

Speaking of nicer weather, one of these days we've got to get together for lunch - even if it is a brown-bag picnic!
In the summer I'm into track & field. I do the shot put and races from 800-3200 meters. I rarely do road races in the warm weather but like to keep my training mileage up at 25-30 miles. This year I have been nursing a sore ankle so my running load is low. I may not fair as well without having done enough speed training, but I'll be there anyway.
Right now I'm scheduled to do sprint triathlons in June , July and October. Been ramping up my training to get ready.
Let's see........mowing the lawn, attending to the weeds and going to Winnipeg, Manitoba (neighbor Province) for a week in June. Oh yea, going to try to get on the pedal bike more often if the evenings are nice and not too windy.
I'll be walking a lot more, and maybe the bikes will make it out of the garage. Probably won't be running outdoors, as this season has been a bad one for allergies.

Maybe some time to get the cars cleaned up, and some work on my ham radio antenna, though.
the mountain bike

the mountain bike

has made it from the basement back onto the road/tracks....
Speaking of nicer weather, one of these days we've got to get together for lunch - even if it is a brown-bag picnic!

Yes, I agree.

Perhaps sometime next week, the first full week of June?

Cort | 36.m.IL | "Mr Monte Carlo"."Mr Road Trip" | pig valve.pacemaker * NoreastrTrekRT=Aug2010 *
MCs.Caprice | models.HO.legos.CHD.RadioShows | RTs.us66 = http://www.chevyasylum.com/cort
"Nothing lasts forever" ... Simple Plan ... 'Perfect'
I need to filter and bottle my Cabernet Sauvignon that I stated last September now that I can safely lift 23 litres. My cardiologist said that I should have only one glass of wine a day. How can anyone have just one glass of wine unless it is really bad? I have to have at least two.

When the weather gets hot, I'll find a quiet place to fish. I don't catch, I just fish. Being retired is great. I was tired yesterday and I'm tired again today. A friend asked me what I did in the park yesterday. I said nothing. He asked why I was going back if their was nothing to do. I said I wasn't finished. (-: That should fill up my month of June. I am exercising at least 4 days a week and hoping to do 7. Fishing doesn't count as exercise.
A friend asked me what I did in the park yesterday. I said nothing. He asked why I was going back if their was nothing to do. I said I wasn't finished. (-:

LOL! That's great! Sounds like you are enjoying your retirement. Sometimes, I wish I could be retired now, but I have a few more "working years" ahead of me ... lol. Someday.....

Bro-in-law's Tuesday night time is 3-1 (on a 3-game winning streak) and my Dad's "Friday Night Lights" team is 4-2 (4-game winning streak).

Cort | 36.m.IL | 5 Monte Carlos.1 Caprice Classic | pig valve.pacemaker
MCs.CC | models.HO.legos.CHD.RadioShows | RoadTrips.us66 = http://www.chevyasylum.com/cort
"The more things change the more they stay the same" ... Kenny Chesney ... 'Summertime'