Speediest trip thru waiting room ever

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Well-known member
Dec 21, 2009
I won't be online again for a few days most likely but just wanted to send an update. Cardiologist admitted me immediately upon exam. I have had echo, chest xray, cath (no blockages) and tomorrow morning I get a brand spanking new bionic aortic valve, plus my tricuspid valve will be repaired. I will not have access to email again for a couple of days most likely, but wanted to let you know. Prayers will be appreciated!


Prayers coming your way for a speedy and uneventful recovery!
Check back as soon as you are able to let us know how everything went.
Take care,
That was fast. No waiting for you...

Sending you positive thoughts and prayers for a successful surgery. We will look forward to an update when you are able.
Sending you prayers and good vibes for an uneventful surgery and recovery. You will be over the mountain before you know it. Bionic is good!

Best wishes for a great day tomorrow... looking forward to your next post after surgery !! and Prayers for you Jeanie.
My prayers are on the way! I'll meet you on the other side of the mountain. I'll be half way down. Bought some land there and will have Rick's Sundae Shoppe built and running by the time you get back on line. Stop in and I'll treat you to a Sundae or a Nanner Split. Good Luck Rick
WOW! that was a short wait, you didn't get time to get comfy in the waiting room. Hoping your trip up and over the mountain is as fast, and bump-free - but, you know, we all seem to hit one, so don't get too discouraged if you do!