South Sound Sailor's Surgery A Success!!

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Well-known member
Oct 24, 2007
Silverdale, Washington
Hello Everyone,

I just wanted to give you an update on Steve's (south sound sailor) surgery, which was yeserday. I just spoke with his wife and Steve's surgery went very well! She said he was out of surgery sooner than they expected and that he did receive the On-x valve. He apparently woke up yesterday afternoon. She said they were getting ready to take him on his first walk today and that he was getting ready to be transferred out of ICU! So, sounds like Steve did very well and although I don't have all the details I am sure with Steve's energy and tenacity he will be up and posting for himself in no time!
Congratulations Steve....I am so happy for you!
Thanks so much for the wonderful update, Lorie and please give Steve and his family our best wishes for an uneventful recovery.
Congratulations, Steve, on a great surgery. Glad to hear you are walking and it will be all uphill from here! Last word, plenty of rest, esp. with young children around!

All the best, Betsy

Glad to hear you made it through with flying colors. I'm sure you can imagine just how go it will feel to get out of the hospital and back with your family. Wishing you all the best for a speedy recovery !
Wonderful news. Thank you for letting us know how well he is doing.
Sending my best wishes for an uneventful recovery.
I just spoke with Steve's wife and she reported that he was exhausted from all the walking he did today. Perhaps we all remember those first few steps we took down hospital halls and how important they were. I call this excellent news. Way to go Steve and kudos to your supportive family.

Awesome news! Welcome to the other side. The hard part is over. Wishes for a smooth and quick recovery!


Lorie, thanks for posting for steve, I'm so glad everything went well and he's already up and walking. Please pass along to him all of our prayers and well wishes. Thanks Debbie