Some fear heart surgery, I fear hospitals and Doctors!

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OOh I didnt see this before! Hope he is being seen now! Was about to promise a bikini photo if he went earlier! lol
Will check later for an update
Gosh, I'm glad Ross went to the hospital despite his strong (and highly justified) aversion to them. My first experience (secondhand) with an upper GI bleed was two weeks ago when a dear friend woke at midnight (thankfully) to find her husband unconscious on the bathroom floor with a BP just a tad lower than Ross'. She revived him and rushed him to the hospital and twenty-four hours of pondering differential diagnoses followed (because he lacked the classic symptoms Ross mentions) before he was finally given 3 units of packed cells via a central line and had a "whopping ulcer" cauterized in his tummy. He is recovering nicely with a hemoglobin just shy of 10, but it's expected a full recovery will take up to six months.

Obviously, this is nothing to mess around with. Ross, I will keep you in my thoughts and pray for the best possible outcome.

p. s. Karlynn, thanks for the other thread pointing this one out!
I certainly hope you've come to your senses, Ross, and have done the right thing finally.

You think that you're afraid of hospitals?

I was looking through my rolodex for the number of a Sumo Wrestler friend of mine. He's lived in your area since retirement.

The sighting of a 550 pound Sumo wrestler running down the streets of your neighborhood with your scrawny legs in his grip and you thrown over his beefy shoulder would do wonders for your already tarnished reputation!!! Especially with him wearing just his "showme". That's that wash cloth covering he'd be wearing around those massive hips. Now THAT is scary.

I hope all goes well and you get this taken care of ASAP. We all care about you so don't be so darned selfish. Think about US for a change...!!

Checking in

Checking in

I'm still chuckling over Jerry's image of Ross and the Sumo wrestler.

Ross, just let us know that you're under appropriate medical care. OK, mister?

Sending good thoughts,


PS Ditto P.J.'s thanks to Karlynn for the notice on this thread.

Thanks for letting us all know that Ross is at least working on being seen by a doctor. I have been thinking about him all day. Hope to hear more (good) news soon!

Ross, if you are reading this, please, please, take care of yourself.
I just found this and it is really upsetting. Ross knows going to the hospital is not a good thing for him. Ross, my friend, you will be on my mind until I hear that you are ok.

Please, if you pray, do it now. Ross always says prayers get answered.

Maybe Steve will post to us.
Ohh Gosh, I'm still pacing the floors....

Thanks Mary for calling Ross for us. I'm relieved he is heading towards Doctors and Hospital (hopefully he is there by now)...

We are all worried about our beloved Rossman...
I was kinda hoping we would have more news by now...

I hope by now you are tucked up in a hospital bed giving cheek to spunky nurses in short uniforms.

I am praying hard for you matey
All my best to you. Looking forward to hearing from you! Prayers,
Ross please get taken care of as soon as possible. We need you around here so don't keep putting it off because of a bad experience. It sounds as if you should of called a couple days ago. I know what you would be telling us to do!!!
Keep us updated!!! Crystal:eek:
Crystal Throckmorton said:
Ross please get taken care of as soon as possible. We need you around here so don't keep putting it off because of a bad experience. It sounds as if you should of called a couple days ago. I know what you would be telling us to do!!!
Keep us updated!!! Crystal:eek:

crystal check the heart forum at the top there are lots of updates he is admitted