SOB bending over....

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Well-known member
Jul 28, 2005
Hurricane, West Virginia
When I take clothes out of the dryer, feed my doxies or do anything bending over, I get that same old feeling I did when I was pre-op. When I went to my cardio in Charleston a week ago, he picked up some leakage, mumbled something about aortic stenosis, eventual replacement and need for TEE. (This is the ancient cardio I've been with since I was 17 and the one that kept me awake during my last TEE). I refused TEE and have since located a new cardio with an appt in early October for second opinion as well as officially transferring my heart care to her. I had lung probs post-op, but last x-ray showed everything was clear. Could I still have some lingering effects even though fluid is gone??
I feel fine otherwise. Walking like crazy, light weights, tons of energy. Am I in denial?

Feeling a little nervous,
I would call doc to clarify anything for you, but maybe it's like when you lose a finger or a limb, you always kind of feel it's still there? I know that post surgeries for me have had lingering symptoms for me even tho I was fixed, and that I was just use to feeling a certain way and have to adjust for that. When the symptoms were fixed ( flutter for example) I would always "feel" it, or anticipate feeling it, thus behaved accordingly. It takes awhile to feel "fixed" in many ways I think.

Hope all is ok. Let's us know! :)
I would call and ask. when Justin was a toddler the way we found out about his pericardial effusions was he wouldn't bend over.i turned out he had 12 oz of fluid in his pericardial sack which is alot when you are onlyabout 2 feet tall
I was wonderring since you have a CHD if your new card is a specialist in Adults W/ CHD? Lyn
I think you should have the docs take a listen to your lungs and make sure there aren't any fluid sounds there that indicate the need for attention.

Joe has this also, but he has very serious lung problems that contribute.

So I guess I'm sensitive to the SOB upon bending thing.

Get it checked out.

I don't have any answers, but I too sometimes have the sensation of being slightly short of breath when bending over to pick up or lift something. Yet I have no problems exercising and recently got a good report from my cardio after an echo. What Ross said about lingering heart enlargement might be a clue. My only abnormal reading on the recent echo was 59 for the left atrium when 40 is supposed to be the max. The cardio thought the severe leakage for years prior to my AVR might have caused a general thickening. (There's no leakage now.) He didn't seem concerned. So it's something I'm just aware of.

This is not to say you shouldn't check with your doctor if your symptoms are pronounced. Most likely you should, just to be safe.
Short of Breath

Short of Breath

I also suffer from occasional SOB episodes. Most of the time it occurs when bending over or when in the shower. I asked doc about it and he said that it was normal and not to worry (after a bunch of tests). He told me that high heat and humidity can cause SOB. I know it's true for me. The hotter the day--the worse I do.
Okay, this may be bad advice because I'm relatively unexperienced..but, what about going to the Emergency room complaining about these pains~~~then you could get some test run right away without using your regular Cardiologist..just tell them your preference to go with someone else?? It might relieve your mind and you get immediate results. I actually had a Doctor friend reccomend that route when my son had a football injury and they couldn't get him in soon enough.
The only problem being if your insurance is good and it won't cost you a fortune.. we have Blue Cross and so we were only out $75.00.
Just a thought,:rolleyes:
God Bless,