Skyler update - 6 months post-op (post infection)

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Well-known member
Aug 8, 2011
Just thought I’d update – it’s been a while.

Skyler had his 6 month post-surgery check-up. Actually, it was more like 7.5mo.

He’s doing GREAT! He’s grown 1”, but gained 14lbs (went in at 67lbs and is now 81!). He’s still skinny, but it just puts into perspective HOW skinny he was pre-surgery. He now has some healthy belly fat and you can still see his ribs when he breaths in, but he’s got muscles in his arms and legs, a better colour, way better energy, and doesn’t wear the skinniest jeans in the store anymore!

His cardiologist doesn’t like taking blood pressure in his office and instead had him do a 24h BP monitor. All came back normal. So he wants to cut Analipril (BP meds), then do another 24h BP test in a couple weeks and see if it’s still normal. You know, I much rather this to the tons of people I hear having “high” BP only from “White Coat Syndrome”.

Echo results were “Great”, but we’ll get a copy of them in a couple weeks once they’ve been typed up. No stenosis or regurgitation worth mentioning. Ascending Aorta graft looks great. No restrictions (well – except football, contact hockey and WWE wrestling). Doctor suggested house work was a good way to gain muscle, particularly yard work, cleaning and shoveling snow. LOL! Skyler balked!

Next appointment – 6mo!

Can you imagine? Skyler gained 17% of his total body weight in the last 7 months – and he’s still skinny!!! But now he’s gone from being way below 5th percentile (probably below 1 percentile) in weight to being at 10th percentile!

I look forward to seeing the next 6 months. I bet he gets a growth spurt and puts on more weight! He's also enjoying sports and stuff way more, and it's increased his slef-confidence.
What good news.
So happy to hear how well he's doing.
That boy deserves the rewards....... he's been through so much. Happily it all seems to be in his past and the future is bright.
This is great!!!!!! Is he also eating a little better/more which could help with all the healthy weight-gain?
This is great!!!!!! Is he also eating a little better/more which could help with all the healthy weight-gain?

Oh he's eating all right! His appetite isn't that much bigger than pre-surgery, however... I think it's a lot to do with the fact that he had a 17mm valve pre-surgery, and now his valves are adult-sized, effectively 3x the orifice size, so his heart isn't working as hard, and he's just got WAY better blood flow - which allows his body to actually build itself instead of just sustaining itself. He used to be out of breath just going up 6 steps... now he doesn't notice the steps are there - he jumps them 3 at a time!
Sarah, this is such a great news. I love hearing about people doing things that were difficult before. "he doesn't notice the steps are there - he jumps them 3 at a time" - just made my day!!!!