Skyler needs some prayers...

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Well, the prayers seem to have worked.

Yesterday, I took Skyler's 2.5yo sister to the hospital to visit for the entire afternoon/evening. Skyler has been begging to see her, and it was about time that they could both deal with it energy-wise (and me too). It's really funny the effect that the 2yo has on Skyler. If she tells him to eat something, he will. If she tells him to drink, he will. If she wants to run down the hallway full speed, he will too.... Not so wise.

Skyler got put on a 3rd antibiotic (oral). I don't know the name of it but it turns his pee and tears red. Weird. He got a broviac put in (permanent IV). Then he had his chest tube and all previous IVs pulled. He's now got one hook up, and it's not permanent, and he's much more comfortable. The first thing he did was go for a long walk (OK, about 5 minutes) to the beautiful hospital "Healing Gardens". There he rested and looked out the window for about 20 minutes and decided that he had to head back because one of his teachers was planning to come visit. The teacher was late (and Skyler was stressing about it at 4:01 because he said he would be there at 4pm!), but stayed for a nice long visit. Brought him his favourite kind of Gatorade. The teacher also brought him an envelope - an envelope from a school contest for selling magazines, and Skyler won $50! We stashed this in a pocket of his jacket so he could use it to do some Christmas shopping.

The other good news is that Skyler MAY be able to get some "Pass" time to get out of the hospital during the times when he doesn't have to take meds. We'd start slowly, of course. First, we would just like to take him for a drive to see Christmas Lights. Then maybe to get some specific Christmas gifts for people (Mom, Dad).

The other day Home Depot came and brought a bunch of their little kids kits, and Skyler's Mom absconded with a whole bunch of them. Now Skyler is going to make a couple for his younger siblings for Christmas (Helicopter, boat). Yesterday Santa came to the hospital and gave Skyler a remote control car and helicopter. Now Skyler doesn't need us to get him anything for Christmas!

Lastly, the infectious diseases doctors believe that since the infection left his bloodstream so quickly that it's very likely that that the infection is out of his system. They aren't taking any chances, though.

Thanks again for all the prayers and vibes. I think it has helped a lot.
It nevers fails that kids can be demanding, especially if they are normally that way. When real sick, they can't do normal stuff. When they are feeling better, they go back to old habits. Sounds like he is well on the road to recovery. Just be there and prayers are continuing. Have a great day and hugs for you and child and family. Be good.:cool:
I'm glad things are going so well. Its a shame since he is feeling pretty good he can't go home and do the meds there, but its nice he can have a pass. I'm surprised he got a broviac and not a pic-line. But as long as it gives him more feedom thats all that matters.
Very Cool, it always seems to touch ya more when the little ones are going thru tuff times, good to hear encouraging news about Skyler ( interesting name by the way ).
Thanks again everyone!

Skyler is doing great. He is still periodically having pain in his fingers and toes, but curiously, only when his mom is there. He says it's because Dad lets him take a shower.

Great News: Skyler will be going home on FRIDAY, not Boxing day, not Christmas, not Christmas Eve, but Friday! Why? well, no one works on Saturday to be able to get him set up for discharge, so they are doing it a day early. We already head our training for the home antibiotics, so it's just time to finish the gentamicin and get a home pump.

Lyn, I think they wanted to keep him in until he had only one IV antibiotic to pump. Two would mean two pumps and a lot more joins to keep track of.

Other great news, Skyler has been getting a bunch of passes from the hospital so he was able to come home for dinner last night for a couple hours. Today he gets 5 hours pass (3pm until 8pm) instead of 3h. Tomorrow, he will get even more and is hoping to go to school to watch a movie for his first period class as well. He is excited to see his teachers and friends. I think he will be exhausted afterwards, but that's just fine.

In other news, the physio has cleared him for any exercise as long as it's not contact (he has a Broviac so that does limit things). I wonder if school can set up a cardio work-out schedule instead of his usual gym class. He goes to a sports school so we'll see. It would be great for him since he's never pushed himself in his life, and it will be 6 weeks post heart surgery when he returns to school after Christmas.
Thanks again everyone!

Skyler is doing great. He is still periodically having pain in his fingers and toes, but curiously, only when his mom is there. He says it's because Dad lets him take a shower.

Great News: Skyler will be going home on FRIDAY, not Boxing day, not Christmas, not Christmas Eve, but Friday! Why? well, no one works on Saturday to be able to get him set up for discharge, so they are doing it a day early. We already head our training for the home antibiotics, so it's just time to finish the gentamicin and get a home pump.

Lyn, I think they wanted to keep him in until he had only one IV antibiotic to pump. Two would mean two pumps and a lot more joins to keep track of.

Other great news, Skyler has been getting a bunch of passes from the hospital so he was able to come home for dinner last night for a couple hours. Today he gets 5 hours pass (3pm until 8pm) instead of 3h. Tomorrow, he will get even more and is hoping to go to school to watch a movie for his first period class as well. He is excited to see his teachers and friends. I think he will be exhausted afterwards, but that's just fine.

In other news, the physio has cleared him for any exercise as long as it's not contact (he has a Broviac so that does limit things). I wonder if school can set up a cardio work-out schedule instead of his usual gym class. He goes to a sports school so we'll see. It would be great for him since he's never pushed himself in his life, and it will be 6 weeks post heart surgery when he returns to school after Christmas.

WOW!!! All this is wonderful news! Hooray!
Great news!! i'm glad he will be home even earlier than hoped for. If he was stopping the gento so soon, I guess it can make sense to wait to be down to 1 IV med to go home, but I'm not sure why 2 meds would need 2 pumps. Justin was on 2 (gento and vanco) for 6 weeks after his BE, but we only needed 1 pump, we just ran one after the other. Luckily when he had his sternal infection after the first week or so when all the cultures and antibiotic sensitivity were done, he only needed a med he could take orally, so they stopped the IV antibiotics and no pic-line or broviac that time.. Which worked out wl since he went to Cooperstown for a fw days and we were dreading him also dragging the iv around.

It would be nice if he could spend some time with his class and friends.
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Yesterday, I took Skyler's 2.5yo sister to the hospital to visit for the entire afternoon/evening. Skyler has been begging to see her, and it was about time that they could both deal with it energy-wise (and me too). It's really funny the effect that the 2yo has on Skyler. If she tells him to eat something, he will. If she tells him to drink, he will. If she wants to run down the hallway full speed, he will too.... Not so wise.


During my recovery, my 3-year-old nephew has had much the same effect. He'll say he wants to "walk spaces" with me ... and I will walk more when he is around than when he isn't. Go figure. ;)

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