Six weeks post-op: Is six really the magic number?

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Apr 12, 2011
Six weeks post-op and:

The good:
  • I woke up without pain all this week
  • Have not taken a painkiller in almost four weeks
  • Can sleep on my left side again
  • Am walking 1.75 - 2.25 miles a day - rain or shine. Today it was rain and I'm still cold
  • Started cardiac rehab yesterday. I am the youngest by about 20 years.
  • Am down 32 pounds- still have to think about what I want to eat and if I really want it
  • BP was brilliant at rehab! Maybe no increase in meds!
  • The thought of driving my teen to school doesn't make me cry
  • All of the "bad" and "ugly" are cosmetic - I'm glad to be alive :)
  • Taking teen to cardiologist for workup/bloodwork/reassurance on Wednesday

The bad and the ugly:
  • Scars on both thighs are UGLY.
  • Right thigh (bypass scar) is corded and wicked painful
  • Surgeon apparently had a sense of humor: He left this accountant/math teacher two division sign scars (from drains/chest tubes) that make everyone laugh
  • Some days it is all I can do to stay awake late enough for my PM meds - feel old
  • BORED - As a recovering Type A - um BORED - want to go back to work, know it's a ways off
  • We still haven't had "Spring" here - it's cold, damp and miserable on healing bones
  • Tired - always tired and napping
  • Did I mention BORED??????????????????

I can finally imagine getting on a plane for Chicago to see my Mom. Even the walk through the terminals and to the outside world doesn't bother me. It's dragging the luggage that is a worry. Considering mailing off a few days worth of clothes to solve this one.

Other suggestions are welcome!

Oh, and I got my club card from Edwards today - I have a 2700TFX, 21mm aortic pericardial tissue heart valve. D'oh, I knew that.

I am now closing in on seven weeks post op, and for me it was week 5 or 6 when I began to feel normal. I didn't really resume normal activities until then, so I wasn't sure if it was the recovery or the fact that I was getting back to some of the things I enjoyed, but the last few weeks have been very good. Sounds like your timeline is about the same as mine!
Personally I don't think their is a magic number. I had my 2nd surgery just shy of 7 years after my first one. I have heard that after a Ross Procedure 5 years was the magic number for your autograft to be ok. Five years is when my minor aortic root dilation started getting bigger at an alarming rate. There is a saying that "once a heart patient always a heart patient".

I do know what you mean though. Again this is just my personal experience...I had 3 magic numbers. The first was 6 weeks because I was allowed to drive and I started to feel "human" again. The second was 3 months because I felt like my sternum was fully healed. The third was 1 year because I got a great report from my one year follow up with my cardiologist and had reached a point where I rarely thought about my surgery anymore.
Oh, and I got my club card from Edwards today - I have a 2700TFX, 21mm aortic pericardial tissue heart valve. D'oh, I knew that.


Wow!!!, that was fast service. It took me 43+ years to get my "club card" from Edwards. I have a UNK-STARREW, 23MM, serial no. appears that they didn't issue cards when I had the surgery and good records were not kept by hospitals or valve manufacturers, but they THINK they know what I have from the "old" hospital records:tongue2:.

I remember that post-op was boring....but you will get over it:thumbup:.

Keep gets better:biggrin2:.

I'll second that Mooooo! I, too, have the Edwards bovine pericardial valve. I'm nearly at 8 weekd post op now, and I can truly say that the last two weeks have been the best so far. I feel much more like a "normal" self, and can once again enjoy more of life than just sitting waiting for mealtime or meds. TV -- ugh! Especially daytime TV, even with satellite.

I've been working part-time (office job) and driving for 2 weeks. I have also been going to a fitness center to walk, as the weather here has been nasty - 40 degrees (F) and rainy a lot. Walking a couple of miles a day seems to really help - I've noted that over the couple of weeks I've been walking, my pace has gone from the shambling gait of a movie zombie to a normal walking pace of almost 4 miles/hour. Much better.

Hope your recovery beats mine -- that way you should have it well under control before you have to deal with airport mayhem.
Honestly the magic number is DAY ONE as each day gets better and turns to a week, then two and three, soon a month, then two, then three, then the first valversary it all is a blur as you celebrate LIFE !!!!!

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I will be nine weeks post-op on Tuesday (Ross Procedure, full sternotomy) and I started feeling a lot better about the seven week mark. I had sleeping problems (i.e. getting to sleep and staying asleep) for the first few weeks and quite nasty back/shoulder/neck pain. They have both pretty much resolved now although I still get twinges. I haven't taken paracetemol for about three weeks, except for a headache one day. I try to walk about 40 minutes a day (sorry, don't know how far ... maybe about 3-4km - need to get a pedometer) and do rehab sessions three days a week (but only have two weeks of that left). I do get quite tired by the end of the day and I think I just need to get to bed earlier (I was a night owl before surgery, often not in bed until close to midnight, but I've definitely needed to change that - I'm finding I need a good eight hours' sleep).
My sternotomy scar is reddish, thin and others say it's clean and neater than the expected. The three drainage hole scars are quite red and I don't like them at all.
I'm starting to slowly get back into some work. I'm a freelance journalist so work from home. Unfortunately one of my main clients has given me the flick while I was off (nice, eh?) so I need to chase more work ... but that will take time. Continuing to improve is more important.
Do you have some household things to do - sort out wardrobes, cupboards, photos etc? I'm planning to hit my wardrobe this week and sort out what can stay and go.
Good luck ...
8 weeks was my first magic number, and then 4 months was my next magic number in which I put an end to my pity party.