Should I be concerned about "some thickening"?

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Well-known member
Jan 13, 2006
Nashville, Tennessee USA
Just got results from 2nd echo/2 years after new mitral valve surgery. Cardio's office says there's "some thickening" around the valve and they want me back in 6 months to check on it.

Is this normal? Anything to be concerned about?
What's the ultimate outcome of too much thickening? How do they fix it? Can they fix it?

Hi, Marty--

I think, from my experience (although I had a repair) that some thickening is normal. I had a stress echo last December (6 months post-op), and my cardio explained that the trace regurg and minimal thickening was nothing to worry about.

Have you discussed this further with your cardio? You said the cardio's office called; does that mean someone called with the results? If not, call your cardio and ask about it. In fact, make an appointment to meet with him/her to discuss this new change and what it means.

Let us know what happens.

Take care,
Thanks Debi

Thanks Debi

I guess it was a nurse that gave the results to my wife. She said it was nothing to be concerned with, that it was fairly common.

But years ago my slight prolapse was "common and nothing to worry about".

I'll make an appointment with the Doc and see what he says.
