Sharp Side Pain

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Well-known member
Feb 2, 2009
Chicago, IL
Hi all. Looking for some expertise once again. I am almost 3 weeks post op (yeah!!) and feeling great in general. I am walking a few miles a day in one mile increments and feeling pretty normal. Off pain meds all together. That is until tonight. I just got some sharp pains in my left side. It is towards the bottom of my ribs and towards my back. Is this just gas? Anyone else have similar pains?
I would defiinitely let the doctor know just to play it safe.

I don;t recall the pain after my post op. However, I am still waiting various test results from dull side pain primarily on my right side radiating to my back. It has been going on for over three months and finally went to the doctor about it three weeks ago.


I had sharp pain in my right side towards the bottom of my ribs last week and ended up going to the ER. I had no other symptoms. They took me really seriously though - did an ultrasound to rule out gall bladder problems and an echocardiogram to rule out fluid around the heart (apparently this can sometimes irritate the liver causing right sided pain). At the end of it all they didn't find any cause (I wondered if I had strained something lifting my lap top) - but I am glad I got it checked out.
Get it checked out, rather be safe than sorry. It could a simple "stitch" from breathing to hard from walking, but yes get it checked out.
Hi all. Looking for some expertise once again. I am almost 3 weeks post op (yeah!!) and feeling great in general. I am walking a few miles a day in one mile increments and feeling pretty normal. Off pain meds all together. That is until tonight. I just got some sharp pains in my left side. It is towards the bottom of my ribs and towards my back. Is this just gas? Anyone else have similar pains?

I would tell the doctor to make sure like everyone else said. I don't have pain but I do have pressure on the back of my heart after I walk or even eat, and I attribute that to my pericardial effusion. I can barely walk around the block and you are walking a few miles a day, wow! That is great! Just take it easy and don't push yourself too much.
Does it hurt when you take a deep breath? Can you feel it while you breath normally? Is the pain always there?

It does hurt worse when I take a deep breath. It is kinda always there though. Though I have to say it only started a couple of hours ago.
You are walking a few MILES a day? Isn't that kind of pushing the limits for so soon postop?
Take it easy, call your doc. Best wishes.

Is 3 miles too much do you think? I am doing them in three one mile increments. I went to the cardio yesterday and he said to just do as much as I could without getting wiped out or getting my pulse above 100. I honestly feel like I should be doing more as I am not wiped out and only at about 90 pulse.

I had sharp pain in my right side towards the bottom of my ribs last week and ended up going to the ER. I had no other symptoms. They took me really seriously though - did an ultrasound to rule out gall bladder problems and an echocardiogram to rule out fluid around the heart (apparently this can sometimes irritate the liver causing right sided pain). At the end of it all they didn't find any cause (I wondered if I had strained something lifting my lap top) - but I am glad I got it checked out.

I'm glad you are ok!! Is it still hurting???? Mine is still there when I take a deep breath, yawn or burp.... WEIRD!! The surgeon said it was because of the fluid it is just weird to me it just started Wed..... He gave me 2 weeks of Lasix and I'm doing my spirometer and I walk around 1 1/2 to 2 miles a day. I'm anxious to see the surgeon again Friday to see what he meant about my heart looking good but not functioning properly... He hasnt mentioned that before and I didn't get the results from the echo they did...
I'm glad you are ok!! Is it still hurting???? Mine is still there when I take a deep breath, yawn or burp.... WEIRD!! The surgeon said it was because of the fluid it is just weird to me it just started Wed..... He gave me 2 weeks of Lasix and I'm doing my spirometer and I walk around 1 1/2 to 2 miles a day. I'm anxious to see the surgeon again Friday to see what he meant about my heart looking good but not functioning properly... He hasnt mentioned that before and I didn't get the results from the echo they did...

The pain went away after a couple of days so never really found out what it was. I guess if your surgeon thinks it is just the fluid it may be okay?? Worth following up with him though if you are worried.

Hope you are able to get your results from your surgeon and that they are reassuring. My echo was fine but apparently my ECG showed a couple of times my heart was beating too slowly so I had a 24 halter monitor to check this. Haven't found out the results yet - glad we have this place to see that set backs are normal otherwise I think I would be going crazy.

Well done on the exercise - I'm doing 25 minutes a day plus 3 minutes on the front step which they recommended at cardiac rehab. Good luck with your next INR result - mine keeps jumping around too although not to the extremes that yours is .....
Is 3 miles too much do you think? I am doing them in three one mile increments.

you're only 37! just a baby. if you were in fairly good shape going in, then
you should be able recover quicker. checking my log, at 10 days i was doing
6 miles a day (in 3 walks) on a treadmill, by three weeks up to 12 miles on
roads and beaches.

your mileage may vary. as long as you don't push yourself too far, you
should be fine. just clear your mileage and condition and symptoms (if any)
with your cardio.

you might want to have a friend watch you as you walk to see if you're doing some
weird twisting to take pressure off your sutures.
I got a sharp pain on my right side below the ribs a little over a week ago. Rolled over in bed & it appeared, hurt like hell. Had a Dr appointment the next day & they didn't find anything. Went away on it's own after 5 days or so. Sorry, not a lot of help on this.


That's exactly where my pain was that I went to the ER about and they found nothing. Wonder what it was?? Mine came on suddenly like that too.
I get rib spasms at times, after a sudden movement or could be if I am laughing hard, I think it is a muscle spasm and it passes eventually. Also I get kidney pain from my kidney stone, that is low, left and normally to the back although not exclusively.
[I am almost 3 weeks post op (yeah!!) and feeling great in general. I am walking a few miles a day in one mile increments and feeling pretty normal.

It's great that you have been able to do so well, all I was able to do was walk around my yard for a while. I think you should be going to see your Doctor, don't take any chances.