Sharp Pains

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Well-known member
Sep 17, 2008
shreveport La
I am starting to have small sharp pains on the left side of my chest. The dr. says it is normal and increased my bp medicine. Does that sound normal to any of you. Very small sharp pains but I have them a few times during the day.
Hi Bobby, with these sharp pains, can you pin point them with your finger? If so, I'm sure its just nerve endings and stuff trying to heal. Not sure about increasing BP meds.

But when in doubt get it checked out.
Yes, I can tell where they are. I am just concerned because they only started a week or so ago and have never had them. But I do worry because every strange feeling I have I think now I may need surgery. Thanks for your help
Bobbie, I don't know what other symptoms you have, but I hope your doc has taken an ECG of your heart recently.
It may also be wise to buy a home monitor for BP and check it daily. Best wishes.
Hey Bobbie, I used to get all sorts of chest pains before my surgery (which isn't to say they meant I needed surgery), they would pass and nothing more serious ever seemed to come of it. It could be these pains are just like any other pain in your body, but because it's your chest/heart you're more aware of it.

Of course, having said that, neither should they be dismissed out of hand, but it might be useful for you and your doctor if you were to diarise the pain giving the best description of where and how it feels, how long it lasts, what you were doing at the time and anything you may have had to eat or drink beforehand. That way when you go back to your doc you have an accurate record (rather than relying on memory) and he/she can get a better idea of what is going on.

In the meantime I hope the increase in BP meds helps.

A : )