Scheduled for September 18th at Emory Atlanta

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Although a mini (I suspect minimally invasive) surgery was never discussed by my surgeon and I, I likely would not have gone for it. I wanted to be sure that my surgeon could get as good a look at my heart and silly valve as possible. However, there a several members on this site who indeed had minimally invasive procedure and speak highly of the procedure. So I don't think that you are a back seat driver, but more a driver who wants to control where they are going (not a bad thing). The only suggestion that I can give you is to do as much research on the subject as you can and then make an informed decision. Cause in the end, the only thing that you can go wrong on, is to make no decision at all. Take Care and keep up updated with your progress and your questions. :)
They have me scheduled for a mini AVR and they are among the best in the world
more access makes things less complicated, and maybe even a little bit safer


If you you are confused about your surgeon's recommendation, ask him to clearify to you the facts about the reasons of his choice and get him to answer all the questions on your mind as soon as you can. Time flies quickly.

Until then and until you hear from other members, I think that a minimally invasive procedure means a minimal scar, minimal blood loss, less postoperative pain, less risk of infection and a faster recovery, unlike your above thought! Unfortunately, more access means more risks and more complications!

Here is an excellent link from NIH covering all details about minimal invasive procedure which will prepare and help you think of more questions to ask your surgeon.

Good luck and keep us posted.
Hi Mike,
I had my minimally invasive AVR four weeks ago. Don't worry about the operation itself because you are in excellent hands. We are very fortunate that we qualified for this procedure - some people do not have that opportunity. Now I can't compare my surgery with our fellow "valvers" who have had the full sternum procedure, but I can say this my scar is continually shrinking, and I went off pain meds after one week. My incision was below the collarbone, between the ribs, and approx. 3-4" long. The most difficult time for me was trying to carry on a conversation, coughing, or sneezing! Yes, your lung is deflated and you have to rebuild it with the help of your spirometer. Other than that, you are almost there - pretty soon you will be on the other side like many of us. Good luck to you - and don't watch anymore YouTube videos. Nita

July 21, 2013 Minimally invasive AVR, Keck Hospital at USC, Los Angeles. 21mm St Jude porcine valve.
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Hi Mike,
I understand your reasoning, and the same thing gave be pause before I went ahead with my gut and did minimally invasive. I just had too much anxiety about having a sternotomy and also the quicker recovery time was too hard to resist, as I have elementary aged children.
I just had my mini thoracotomy for MV repair last tues. And while the 1st couple of days were really tough, I do feel like my recovery thereafter has got to be quicker than what it would have been with a sternotomy. Less than a week after surgery I was only taking Advil for pain (I'm still taking it, but starting to go longer without it) and I'm walking around fine and really just have soreness with my right chest area and use of my right arm. My incision has not bothered me at all though as I hear can be a trouble with sternotomies. I guess being relatively young (I'm 45 and in good health) has helped with my recovery as well.
I guess what made me feel confident about my choice was that my surgeon was absolutely certain that he could get as good of repair as with a sternotomy, and he has a lot of experience with this method and has a top position at the Debakey center in Houston. So I guess if you can find a surgeon who can also give you these assurances, maybe that would make you feel more at ease?
Oh, and I guess I should also mention, most importantly, my surgeon is very happy with the way things went and he got an even better repair than he thought he would.

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