Ross??? where are you?

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Ross, it is'nt the same without you around we miss you. You have become a good friend and mentor you have help me in so many areas with all my health issues. Thanks for being there and for being here, you are a guardian angel to this site and to many of us. May God Bless you and give you peace. You are always in my thoughts and prayers.
Just wanted to add my thanks to Ross.

Also my thoughts as you are going through a very difficult time.
I've benefited from this site for over 6 1/2 years and count Ross as a friend though we have never met. Ross has had a hard blow this week and may need some space and time to grieve.
Ross, just wanted to tell you how much you mean to me and everyone else here. I'm hoping this time away will give you some much needed rest and restoration. Thank you for all you do. LINDA
I think this site would go downhill (if not down in flames) without Ross. I know he puts in countless hours - it is very rare that he is away for very long. We all owe him a big debt of gratitude and thanks, for doing such a great job.
I am just beginning to know everyone, but I know from being on other forums how hard it is to keep the "bad" people away. The only thing I regret is that I didn't find this site 3-4 years ago when I first found out I had valve issues. I can still remember how horribly scared I was, and I knew next to nothing about what the doctor was telling me. One thing he did tell me was to research everything I could and educate myself. Even with all that research and googling I still didn't find you all. I honestly believe that the worry and agony could have been handled better by me, if only I could have had you all to talk to back then. So, thanks to Ross and anyone else who is responsible for keeping the site up and working so well!

Here here! Ross is our white knight. I love the guy. I hate that he is grieving. :( I wish I could put my arms around him and give him a big ol' hug. It never ceases to amaze me how close you can get to someone you've never even met. Ross is certainly one of those people.

Love you, man!
amen to all the prior posts.
ross, you take such good care of us all. you are truly the best.
we know you must be hurting so much and wish we could take some of that pain away from you.
just know that you are in our thoughts and prayers, now and always.
lots of love and hugs from us all,
Hello, Ross. Just wanted to agree with all that's been said and attributed to you here in this thread. We depend on you enormously. This is such a special place that you keep safe and running well for us.

It is so very hard to lose a friend. I know you will be grieving for a long time.

Please take care and we'll see you when you are ready to return to us.


I think Ross knows how I feel about him, but I'll tell you a little: I have four brothers I love deeply, but if I had to choose someone to cover my back, I would choose Ross over any of them.
I totally agree with all the posts before mine. Ross is our knight in shining armor and would not be what it is without Ross. I know you are hurting Ross, but please know that we are thinking about you and are here for you when and if you need to talk!!!

Take care of you, Ross - you are loved!!!!
This site has helped me so much and prepared me for a surgery that was probably the toughest thing I've ever had to face. Ross, thanks for all you do here at VR. Take your time to grieve. Come back to us when you are ready.

Take care.
My Dear Ross, you know how much you mean to us, how much you've helped each and everyone of us and in some way or another we do feel your lost. It hurts and its heartbreaking and we care about you.

Special prayers and thoughts coming your way.
My feelings exactly! Ross does a terrific job, running things around here. I can not thank him enough! We need Ross, to keep things from straying to far off the deep end.

Ross, you don't have an easy job, but we love you for accepting it.

God bless you
I wanted to add my 1/2 cent. I know that right now everything in your world seems to have been turned upside down. I pray each night that the Lord brings you some peace for your soul. I truly appreciate everything that you do for this board, plus think you are one wonderful father, grandfather and friend. I miss your postings cause they always make me either stop and think or make me laugh. Please come back when you feel up to it. I continue to keep you in my thoughts.