Rise In Ejection Fraction

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Active member
Feb 28, 2013
Philadelphia, PA
I had an echo done 6 weeks after AVR, and my EF was at 50%.
I just had my next one done at 7 months post AVR, and my EF is now at 70%.

I'm not sure what is was prior to surgery, but I am curious to find out.

Is a jump like this even possible? Is it common after AVR? I actually asked the dr if he had the correct persons chart...lol.

Also, he commented that a certain measurement of the size of either my heart or LV had come down a bit from 6.0 to 5.6.....and that the range should be between 3.8 and 5.6......so I'm headed in that right direction. This was on a brief phone call, so my questions were limited and I was unprepared. My office visit will have more detail to it.

I had an echo done 6 weeks after AVR, and my EF was at 50%.
I just had my next one done at 7 months post AVR, and my EF is now at 70%.

I'm not sure what is was prior to surgery, but I am curious to find out.

Is a jump like this even possible? Is it common after AVR? I actually asked the dr if he had the correct persons chart...lol.

Also, he commented that a certain measurement of the size of either my heart or LV had come down a bit from 6.0 to 5.6.....and that the range should be between 3.8 and 5.6......so I'm headed in that right direction. This was on a brief phone call, so my questions were limited and I was unprepared. My office visit will have more detail to it.


70% is an excellent number for your EF. After your valve has been replaced, it seems logical (to me, at least! but i am not a cardiologist!) to observe an EF increase (the heart is now able to pump more blood out of the LV, because the aortic valve is not narrowed anymore). On the other hand, measuring the EF is very complex and, in fact, its value may vary on each beat. Also, it may be possible for your EF to be a little underestimated at 50% (being may be 55%) and a little overestimated now (being may be 65%), so what looks as a 20% increase may be a real 10%.
Anyway, 70% is very good. And that your LV enlargement is reverting is also very good. It seems you are doing very well!!