Resting Heart Rate drop

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Well-known member
Mar 11, 2011
Brantford Ontario Canada
Hi Everyone

My resting heartrate has been since May in the mid to High 60's which is good, on Beta Blocker Atenenol 12.5 mg per day, everything has been cool and chugging along as if it were normal. Most days I bicycle 10-30 km, watch diet pay attention to my body like we're spose to.

Where I am, Ontario Canada we've been experiencing a heat wave, I've slowed down my riding speed on my bike, keep hydrated, and still do 10-20 km. The same old route everyday, nice to see the seasons change and wildflowers to match.

Here's the deal: I would expect my heart rate to go up in this heat, resting or in exercise. Nope it's gone down all of a sudden over the last 4 days. Resting heart rate now in low to mid 50's, takes longer and harder effort to increase it to 116, the maximum allowed by cardio team. It also starts to drop steadily earlier and drop in a lowered exercise level. I wear a monitor when cycling, been with it long enough were no longer married, just interesting. My med dosage is faithful.

I THINK this is a good thing, my heart rate dropping. Worry wart dosn't like sudden changes from experienced norm and immediatly thinks something is wrong. I will mention this to my doctor, he's on the meantime anyone else experience this 8 mths or so from surgery?

Thanks, this forum is a sanity saver

hi bob also fellow piglet, am on beta blockers and have been since my surgery,i know i cant really get my heart rate up much at all, and my resting hr is mid 50s, if in doubt chk with your doc even if its for peace of mind............take care of your piggy friend :)
We always need to ask the Doc about this kind of stuff, but are you feeling any symptoms? Fatigue, SOB, Chest pain, Dizziness? If not than it shouldn't be that big of a deal, just ask your doc about it.
I'll join the "check with your doctor" crowd. My heart rate was on a gradual decline for several months after my surgery, but pretty sure that it stabilized by at least the 6 month mark, if not earlier, and has not changed since.
Bob " I've slowed down my riding speed on my bike, ", I believe this is the key. You may want to factor in that you've improved your conditioning too. I'd give you some workout recommendations, but sounds like you're on a cardio rehab program, so stick with that, share your data with your medical team and don't worry. My hunch is it's absolutely nothing to worry about. Your heart is in the process of remodelling now that you've had some surgical corrections and between those and your cautious workouts, your cardiovascular, muscular and respiratory systems are starting to hum along nicely with less effort at a given speed. I suspect that once you get the go ahead to work harder that you'll find some intervals and hills will shoot that HR right back up there (with some limitations from your beta blocker).
I just had a holter because of this too. My heart rate has been upper 40s since February and was down in the low 40s with low BP in the last few weeks. I've been taken of Digoxin :) I would mention it to your doctor. Maybe your dosage needs adjusting. I starting working out 4-5 weeks ago
Hi Everyone

Thank you very much for your concern and imput plus allowing me to share my fears!

Unfounded fears as it turns out. Got to cardio rehab yesterday and recieved my answers. The people there have very direct experience with the repair process and probably more compasion and direct expertise than my doctors. Doctors I find, and rightfully so, are very busy people and are more likely to say 'you're ok, don't worry' and not really empathize with my concerns of what's happening to me and an explanation of what's going on and validation of my feelings.

Turns out that my heart has gotten over a hump and has gotten healthier. The sudden change, almost overnight in its habit of beats per minuit was something that is unique and unexplained but it did happen that way, however one gets to healthy heart is moot, getting there is the point. Come to think of it I was very tired all the time prior to the change, which isn't different from alot of major changes happening. When the top lump in my incision went away almost overnite, I was very tired prior to as well. Anyway they said I could raise my top end of exercise beats from 116 to 123 to allow my heart more challenge to strenthen it. It seems to want to go there anyway. A stress test is schedualed for end of August to confirm what I've developed into and what cardio rehab has done for me the past 4 mths. My graduation from the program is Sept 15th.

Life goes on with rule changes to adapt to.


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