realistically how long until I'm back to normal activities?

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Active member
Oct 14, 2010
Seattle, WA
I'm scheduled to have AVR # 2 on Dec 10th. I didn't have kids last time around and I'm wondering how long it will be before i can realistically get back to caring for them full time. I am also a nanny for my sisters baby.
How long do you guys think I will be able to get back to caring for a 5 month old, a 2 year old and a 4 year old? I told my sister 7 weeks. Will that be enough? I can get away with not lifting my kids (The older two), but obviously I will have to be lifting the baby. I imagine she's way around 15-20 pounds by then.
hi. yep everbody takes different times, but 7 weeks looking after children, think its a bit quick myself, but then i am a man lol,think more 3 month plus, my cardio said 6 month to fully recover
I agree that we all recover at different rates but also deoenfent on your activities prior to surgery ...... you are already doing the chidcare and not having time to dwell on yourself (This grandpa looks after a four year [now 5] and a one year [now 2] with no sternum) but all thhe same ask your surgeon and maye Jackie/malibu82 for more input
Not only are we all different but it also depends upon how good a job the surgeon is able to do. Do you know how your sternum will be closed? With my talons, I was able to life 25 lbs by 6 weeks. As far as "normal", if you mean recovered to a point that you can do what you want without first thinking about doing so I would say 6 months. During your first year you spend time learning what your new limits are.

I would encourage you to make time for your recovery. With small children, there is probably a strong pull to ignore your own needs in favor of theirs. Your recovery can be a lot easier if you do it only once. My friend, Buck, chose to ignore himself; months later he learned that he had completely separated his sternum and, now, several years later he it is a great problem for him. To get yourself off to a good start, I would urge you to plan on attending Cardiac Rehab. It will not only help get you back into a more normal level of activity safely but it will give you confidence to continue on your own.

I know having a game plan is a good thing but, I think your time frame is something to shoot for. I would see how each week goes.This will be "your time" to heal and it will come at its own pace.
Ask your SURGEON for a weight lift schedule.

Most advocate No More Than 5 (or 10) lbs for several weeks and slowly increasing.

At 6 weeks, the sternum should be healed to 80% of it's strength with NO complications.
It takes 12 weeks to reach 100%.

'AL Capshaw'