Question for the ladies

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Well-known member
Apr 28, 2011
Chicago, IL
Did surgery trigger an earlier period for you? I just got my period 5 days early. I'm usually pretty regular. I was delighted when I realized I'd be two weeks post op before it arrived. Here I am in hospital. It's been very difficult to wear undies with my groin and thigh swelling.

Last time I had OHS I was breast feeding my daughter until two weeks before and hadn't had a proper period since she was born. It came the day after surgery which I just assumed was when it was going to come because of stopping nursing. Now I'm curious...
I did not have trouble with that but it is not uncommon for surgery to get your hormones out of whack. As a pediatric nurse I would see it all the time with my teenage patients that had major surgery. It was so common that we started warning the parents it may happen.
I recently read about another lady who said she got hers a day or two after surgery in spite of just having had her period a week before surgery.
Mine was right on schedule (for the only time EVER) and showed up 2 days before surgery. I'm about 4 days late for my next, but am having mild forms of my usual PMS symptoms. The nurses gave me maternity pads, and gave me the option of wearing my own briefs, or the light fabric disposables they use in the maternity ward. I opted for my own, and was comfortable. I don't know if I made a mess or not, the RNs and Patient Care Techs never commented on it, they just went about their job, bless their hearts!
My last surgery, at 54, was the best, because I didn't have to deal with the red flag in the hospital after OHS! Like we don't have enough on our plates at that time? I think it's that our bodies know we've been through a lot and don't want us to become pregnant!
Thanks for the feedback ladies. I mentioned it to the nurse last night and she said most woman seem to get their period while in the hospital recovering. I like the idea that our bodies want to make sure we're not pregnant. Nice instead of just thinking of it as another sucky thing about surgery. Mine has been very light though despite the Coumadin, lovenox, and heparin.