Question about bathing and swimming.

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Its usually about 4-6 weeks to go into a pool, ( not necessarily swim) or bath, after all your incisions are completely healed, but different docs say slightly different things of course.
If you do a search here a few threads come up to give an idea what different people were told. here is one
that thread has a good link, that might answr alot of the questions you have
Many questions arise as to what you should do or should not do after discharge. The following are answers to the most common concerns and questions.
I am an active lap swimmer and my surgeon has told me to wait approx. 2.25 months to go back in the pool. Despite how good I feel, they don't want the first time that I really test my range of motion to be in a pool.
I was told to not get in a tub for 8 weeks at least..... not until all incisions are fully healed.

Only showers were permitted.
Like Niki, I don't remember exactly. But I remember my surgeon and his office gave me a detailed list of do's and don't for the first few months. I think most surgeons do. I think it was anywhere from 2 to 3 months before I could take a hot, soaking bath (for reasons of protecting the incisions). Of course, showers were fine.