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Dear Bryan, I think the beach is amazing place. I always feel energized after a day there! I hope you will, too. I would like to introduce my Irie, to Abby. They can have a licking contest. :p Irie is know as the "Lickey Dog" by some of the neighborhood kids. I look forward to hearing how you are doing.
Bryan, I, along with all the others, want to wish you well. I know this has been a terrible ordeal for you. I'll look forward to hearing how you progress. Have fun at the beach. This land-locked Hoosier is jealous ;)


Wow, I had to look up a word I read on this site!!
Now that I know what it means, I will tell a story.
I was in line at the bank and a guy noticed my Medicalert bracelet. He had one too and proceeded to tell his story of his 'recovery' from bypass.
He was lying in bed and his chest popped open or dehiscenced.
He could see his insides, ughhhh. After that fiasco was fixed back in surgery , he then got an infection and was in the hospital for 6 weeks.
Amazing what you hear while waiting in line. I got the hospitals name and thankfully it isn't one I would ever go to.
Have you ever seen a poodle who's fur has been dreadlocked instead of foo foo'd. It's kind of cool and perverse all at once. I saw this at a dog show and most of the poodle people were hating it, I think the breeder/ handler was loving the attention.
Hope you are feeling good now.
Bob - that's a face only a mother could love. :D Bulldogs are cool, and they are great family dogs as well.

Debora - October is my favorite month to go to the beach. Generally the temps are in the 70's during the day and 50's at night, and the water is still warm (70's). Also October is the peak of the seafood season in NC, so most of the restaurants have lots of differnt fresh seafood to choose from.

Sherry - Thanks from the bottom of my have always been so supportive of me and have had a knack for saying the right thing to make me feel better. :)

BW and Candy - There is nothing better than a trip to the beach to energize the body and soul! Abby loves going to the beach too, but I usually only take her down to the water once. Getting the sand out of her hair is next to impossible. We have a big deck and we spend a lot of time relaxing and playing with her toys out there.

Gail - I've never seen a poodle with dreadlocks...I imagine that's quite a sight :eek: . I have seen portuguese water dogs that have a kind of natural dreadlock look and also look very similar to poodles.

Well I can't tell you how good it felt to get that bandage off of my chest and take a shower. I think the bandage was causing most of my soreness. There was one spot where a little bleeding had occured, and it was probably pulling at the scab that had formed every time I moved. My pain level is already down to almost zero except when I use my chest muscles which kind of pull my new scar in opposite directions. It's kind of sad to see that my nicely healed scar is once again "raw" looking. The new scar is exactly the same length as the old one as he cut one long line right down the old one. I am optimistic though...I can already tell that the constant dull pain seems to be gone. It makes me wonder if my body just wasn't reacting well to having the metal wires in there, rather than one or more actually poking me. Well I'm rambling now...thanks again for all the support and prayers, I really think they have worked for me! :)
Bryan, I sincerely hope this procedure cures all your pain. You certainly deserve the best. Your "aunt Glenda" is sending hugs and prayers your way. Hang tough.
Hi Bryan

Hi Bryan

Hope you had a good night's sleep.....And I hope you feel like RIDING 3 hours to beach and NOT I hope this means your parents are going, too.Sounds like this must be working..having the wires removed...Heal slowly :p :p No body-surfing :D Bonnie


Congrats Brian, I am glad things went well. Hopefully you will have improvement. Thanks for your earlier answer to my question about "going wireless". I had some surgery a year after my last valve replacement because I had "pockets" on my incision that never healed properly. When the surgeon went in, he found a massive infection that had infiltrated the muslces. I have often wondered if the wires somehow aggravated the condition but, since the surgery cleared up the infection, I have never pursued it. However, I still have some pain when I do too much lifting or stretch certain ways. It is a sharp, stabbing pain so I am assuming it is wire related. Since I am obviously not the only one to have "wire issues", I will now consider I have an alternative should things get too crazy.
Thanks again and best wishes,
Dear Bryan, I am so glad to hear that your pain is already less. I have been thinking about you and sending good thoughts all the way from the west coast! Hopefully the "new scar" will heal quickly, too. You're on your way to good things, I know it. BTW, my husband I took our very first cruise 2 weeks ago, without our son! We did a 3-nighter down to Baja Mexico. What a fabulous feeling to truly breathe and relax. Right after my surgery I told him that I wanted do something other than our annual visit to see his family in Chicago. After all, they were all here in June. Well, we saw it through! There is something so invigorating with the ocean air! And we are hoooked on cruising. So enjoy your time. I will continue to send you strength and health from LaLa land!
Hello Bryan

I hope things are getting better for you all the time. I had my sternum broken by accident about 22 years ago. Sounds a bit silly, but I am actually looking forward to having it 'wired' when my turn for AVR and AAA repair comes soon. Not that I discount the possibility of complications with the wiring, but if it turns out well then I won't ever have to worry about the mild chest pains I have felt for two decades. Mind you it is not bad, but the first year was pretty interesting from memory. Today my wife and I can still hear it click when I stretch/sneeze etc - creepy. It was a reason I ignored other symptoms I now know are related to my heart condition.

I hope you have it all behind you now.
