Pregnant with aortic aneurysm

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Mar 17, 2014
Eden NC
I am pregnant with baby number 5. I have had four successful pregnancies and births before I found out that I have BAV and an aortic aneurysm that measures 4.5 cm.....
My questions are has anyone had an uneventful pregnancy with this and do they automatically do a c section ??
I'm alittle nervous
First of all...congratulations on your 5th! are truly supermom. :)
I personally don't have any experience with this, but wanted to give my very best wishes with this situation.

Have you had a chance to speak to the specialists about this?Do you have a referral to a hospital that deals with higher risk pregnancies?

Thinking of you,
Hi Katesmom, welcome to the group. I hope you find someone in your exact situation, as I don't speak aorta and don't even know how significant a 45mm aneurysm is. But for what it's worth . . .

I had three babies before finding out that I had mitral stenosis which was revealed when I got pregnant with twins. No problem first three, then problems with the twins that revealed the heart issue. So I think you could completely sail through again just like when you were blissfully unaware, or you could have issues all dependent on the current state of your valve and aorta, if that makes sense. Not sure what symptoms you may be having that led to your dx now.

I would agree with ottagal that it wouldn't hurt to see if consulting with a perinatalogist (high risk pregnancy doc) would make sense for you - that's who delivered my twins. He/she has probably dealt with your situation many times and can tell you what the risks may or may not be for both you and your baby and help you make the best plan in terms of monitoring, delivery method, etc. That doc will also probably be associated with a hospital that has a NICU just in case anything would happen where the baby needed to come early. I'm hoping you live near a metro area to make this option feasible for at least a consult.

Congrats on your lovely family.
Having looked at your previous posts here, it seems you got pregnant after learning about the BAV?
Did your doctors suggest it would be okay for you to become pregnant again?

Just trying to understand the situation and definitely wishing you the very best.
Your BAV is congenital, so you've already had four successful pregnancies with it, take heart. : ) Other than that, I cannot be of much useful information.

AFAIK, Jkm7, there is nothing about a BAV that would preclude a pregnancy.
I would definitely schedule an appointment with your Cardiologist to discuss your situation. You've had 4 babies with the BAV so unless it's changed dramatically I wouldn't think it would be an issue, however your Dr. may want to monitor the aneurysm and your blood pressure during your pregnancy. The aneurysm may make a C section more likely as well. See: section 20. Recommendations for Counseling and Management of Chronic Aortic Diseases in Pregnancy, starting on page 1566 (23rd page of the pdf), in the 2010 ACCF/AHA/AATS/ACR/ASA/SCA/SCAI/SIR/STS/SVM Guidelines for the Diagnosis and Management of Patients With Thoracic Aortic Disease: Executive Summary, here:

It's understandable to be nervous, and it's certainly easier not knowing about issues, but you did get through 4 pregnancies with the aorta that you have, so it can probably handle one more. Whatever extra efforts the Dr's suggest in terms of testing, C-section, etc, will just increase your chances for success even further.
I found a prior thread on this site that you might want to look at for more personal experiences with BAV and pregnancy specifically that were shared in 2013. Looks like the advice above to stay calm but definitely get followed by both your cardiologist and a maternal-fetal medicine specialist (or high-risk OB / perinataologist) is sound.

Hang in there, hopefully your body will sail through like the seasoned pro it is.
Thanks for responding and useful info..
I found out about the BAV and aneurysm over a year ago. I didn't take the news well. After thinking back I was very anxious about it. I think some of my initial symptoms were coming from the fear of "there is something wrong with my heart and I'm going to die."
Now after seeing a cardiologist that I trust and seeing through tests and such that I'm ok, im much better.
With that said, at my last appt she told me another pregnancy would probably be ok but we would keep an eye on the aorta if it did happen. Luckily one of her specialties is women with congenital heart problems that are pregnant. She is at Duke, so I guess I could deliver there. So, I have an appt with her in a few weeks.
My bp is fine so far. Was up a bit when I found out but Prob nerves.
I just hope I'm not asking for trouble by having another baby (definitely the last). I love my big family and I wouldn't change it for anything.
You're asking for a blessing not trouble . . .and with your cardiologist having this specialty, and hopefully connecting you with somebody equally expert to follow the fetal side, you'll have a good chance to go to term and have a healthy and safe delivery.

How far along are you? Did your cardiologist say anything about the schedule for you to see her, or changes to how often to see the OB? Give you anything to watch out for? For me, those things would help set my mind at ease. I'm not sure I'd want to wait a few weeks for an initial appointment giving the lay of the land for managing the pregnancy. Remember to ask for what you need emotionally; it's good for you and for the baby.
I am almost 12 weeks. The time is flying by! I'm seeing the OB every two weeks and the cardio I go in two weeks. She said it was ok to wait a few weeks so......
I can't wait to get this over with and holdy new baby!
Whew, ok. Hopefully it'll go just as smoothly as your others. And if not, it absolutely amazing what they can handle these days. My twins were born at 27 weeks and today you'd never even know, and notably, i myself am also still alive. : )

Don't ignore symptoms like being more tired or swollen than past pregnancies, or a dry cough that worsens when you lie down -

Best of luck to you!!

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