Prayers requested

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Well-known member
Feb 7, 2005
Louisville, Kentucky
My aunt Shirley is in need of prayers and good thoughts. She has undergone two weeks of chemo and radiation for rectal cancer. Now her white blood cell count is 700!:eek:. Obviously this is critical. My mother is very concerned about her; her sister won't let anyone do anything to help her. I wonder how she is walking around. My mother asked her why her doctor didn't admit her to the hospital, but she didn't answer her. She probably refused to go. Anyway, please remember her. Thanks.

I'll keep your aunt in my prayers. I remember that my mom's white blood count dropped to 1,500 after her last round of chemo, but 700 is really, really dangerously low.
I hope she is able to rebound from the effects of the chemo quickly.
Mary said:
I'll keep your aunt in my prayers. I remember that my mom's white blood count dropped to 1,500 after her last round of chemo, but 700 is really, really dangerously low.
I hope she is able to rebound from the effects of the chemo quickly.

I appreciate it Mary.

My mother had the same experience as yours. But, she had a friend who's count got low like my aunt's and she didn't recover. I know this is what my mother is worrying about.
She will be in my thoughts and prayers. When I went through chemo, my white blood cell counts tanked, and I do believe they were near zero at one point. I was not admitted to the hospital, but had to take my temp. several times per day, and was confined to my house until they came back up, for bidden to go to the market or anywhere there might be crowds of people, and of course had to stay clear of anyone who had a cough or cold, even if I were to be standing next to them. I had Neulasta injections which help with low white blood cell counts, and also Aranesp which helped with the red blood cells which were also very low.

This happened each time I had chemo. The Neulasta shots brought the white blood cells back up to an acceptable range within a week.

It is important that during this time she do everything the doc says, since getting ANY infection when counts are low would mean serious problems.
Nancy said:
She will be in my thoughts and prayers. When I went through chemo, my white blood cell counts tanked, and I do believe they were near zero at one point. I was not admitted to the hospital, but had to take my temp. several times per day, and was confined to my house until they came back up, for bidden to go to the market or anywhere there might be crowds of people, and of course had to stay clear of anyone who had a cough or cold, even if I were to be standing next to them. I had Neulasta injections which help with low white blood cell counts, and also Aranesp which helped with the red blood cells which were also very low.

This happened each time I had chemo. The Neulasta shots brought the white blood cells back up to an acceptable range within a week.

It is important that during this time she do everything the doc says, since getting ANY infection when counts are low would mean serious problems.

I appreciate your words. It is encouraging to know that she could recover from such a low blood count. She has been ordered to quit work and to stay home. She has quit working, which is at a BP gas station/food mart where she is in contact with lots of people. Now whether she will stay home period, I'm not sure. She needs our help and we will probably have to force it on her.
I forgot to mention that during that period of time when I was vulnerable, I was put on a high dose of Cipro.

And I was told not to empty the cat box too, for what that's worth, in case she has cats. Serious bacteria in there:eek:

She HAS to listen to the doc. If she gets something even something small, she has NO protection, even though she may feel well.

I felt terrific when this was going on, and it was hard not to go shopping etc.
Nancy said:
I forgot to mention that during that period of time when I was vulnerable, I was put on a high dose of Cipro.

And I was told not to empty the cat box too, for what that's worth, in case she has cats. Serious bacteria in there:eek:

She HAS to listen to the doc. If she gets something even something small, she has NO protection, even though she may feel well.

I felt terrific when this was going on, and it was hard not to go shopping etc.

Thanks for the info. She is an animal lover; I'll have to ask about the cat situation because she's always rescuing strays. She feels pretty lousy right now, so that may keep her at home. Not that I want to feel bad, but she's so hard headed and independent.

I believe my mother took cipro and she rebounded well. I know my aunt is on medication, but don't know what.
Wise, your aunt sounds like she is in charge of herself and makes her own decisions, right or wrong. That frustrates your mother, I know. My prayers, too, added to all the others. Blessins....
cooker said:
Wise, I have three good friends with cancer that I pray for daily (all under 50 years old). I will be glad to add your aunt to my prayer list.


I will add your friends to mine also. My aunt is about 64 years old. My mother was the same age when she had breast cancer; she just turned 69, almost to the five year mark!
Thanks to all of you who have prayed for my aunt. She is doing better. Her blood was up to 2300 this week. She'll be tested again Tuesday, I think, just before her next chemo and radiation. She was even allowed to work Thursday and Friday (the only days she works anyway). My mother says that my aunt did not stay home as directed. She's very lucky not to have gotten an infection. Thanks again.
