Post-Surgical Check-up

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Well-known member
May 4, 2009
Silver Spring, MD, USA.
I had my post-op check-up with Dr. Cameron on Thursday. The man is such a class act. I brought my daughter with me who is 5 and wants to be a cardiac surgeon now! She's got a great example in Dr. Cameron.

Everything looked good. The post-surgical echo showed trace leakage, but basically the valve is functioning perfectly and much better than it ever did before. In another month, I will have no restrictions other than being restricted to lifting 100 lbs and taking antibiotics before dental appointments. It is hard to believe the journey I've taken since April -- thank you to so many of you here who helped me on that journey.

I took my first post-surgical run on Saturday and went just over a mile. I felt good. Hope to run again tomorrow.
That's great news ! I had my follow-up with Dr. Cameron about 3 weeks ago and he said everything looked great. One question - did Dr. Cameron do the echo ? When I saw him, he just did chest x-ray, blood work, and an EKG. I am supposed to have my first post surgery echo with my cardiologist next week.

I also started back to running, going out for the first time last week. 5 or 6 years ago, I was doing 10 mile races, but nothing close to that in the last couple of years. It was a little frustrating the first time, as I did a mile total, but could not do it without stopping a couple of times. I plan on going out again tonight and just need to learn to be patient....
hey glad to see that your doing well, I have been wondering about you lately. I found out some interesting news today that i have not yet posted and will post later to confirm it. somebody canceled on my surgeon which opened up a spot for me, so this Monday Oct 19, I will probably be having the same valve-sparring procedure done that you had done, except done by dr. Chen in ATL.

So tell me again what restrictions you have and how long your surgery lasted?? I remember you saying you had a eventful free recovery, I hope that that continues too.
hey glad to see that your doing well, I have been wondering about you lately. I found out some interesting news today that i have not yet posted and will post later to confirm it. somebody canceled on my surgeon which opened up a spot for me, so this Monday Oct 19, I will probably be having the same valve-sparring procedure done that you had done, except done by dr. Chen in ATL.

So tell me again what restrictions you have and how long your surgery lasted?? I remember you saying you had a eventful free recovery, I hope that that continues too.


Dr. Cameron said to just limit myself to 100 lbs of lifting in the future and since I was previously on antibiotics before dental appointments to continue that, but he wasn't even sure that was necessary. He takes a less conservative approach to the restrictions than the connective tissues clinic at Hopkins because he doesn't believe the data is there to justify limiting oneself to what they said (no pushups, situps, or pullups) (though with pull-ups that would be over 100 lbs and thus a limitation under Dr. Cameron's recommendations too). For one more month, I am limited to 20 lbs of lifting and then all restrictions are done.