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Well-known member
Dec 15, 2001
On The Hot Seat
I'm about to just give up. Found out I need a new roof and now, my dang air conditioner just went out. Only 90F and humid here now. Figures. Someone, get me a bottle of Vodka and some Mr and Mrs T's. :(
Oh man.............you can not catch a break! It is so hot to not have air. Do you have central or the units in the window? Surley hope and pray for no more issues for you Ross.
We didn't install our a/c this summer because the temps were so cool, and now the temps are in the 90s.....it's only for a few days then another cold front is supposed to come through.
Ross, strip and sit in front of the fan, you'll make it. :)
:)Ross, here is my solution when you just can't stand the heat anymore. Jump in the shower and get wet. Then stand in front of a ceiling fan or oscilating fan - whatever buck naked. Helps a lot! :):cool::)

It is so hot here that if your air conditioner goes out people have been known to just put the whole family in the air conditioned car and drive around as long as they can afford the gas..

Try & Keep Cool!
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Not much I can say friend, except a few expletives that I won't type here.
All I have is window unit. 12,000 BTU that cools off the livingroom and kitchen. Thought it was acting sort of unusual and then it just shut off. Guess the overload kicked, but that means taking it out of the window, taking it apart, finding the cause whether the overload blew or the start/run capacitor, order the parts, wait till God knows when to get them.......I'll just bite it and go get another window unit. Heck of it is, it's supposed to be 91 to 95 here today, then rain and milder. So in other words, today is going to suck.

The roof is going to have to be patched as best it can and hope it makes it through winter. I tried for the emergency home loan and unless water is actually running into an electrical conduit, it's not an emergency. So the next best thing is the Home Rehab Program, but there is a waiting list 2.5 to 3 months long. Needless to say, I'm scared to take an amoritized loan in the current economic conditions, but I don't have any choices left.

Anyone got a 14x80 trailer for sale? Got a feeling I won't have a house much longer.
Oh my Ross - It is HOT...I know where you are coming from. Our central AC unit went out last weekend while we were in Columbus so we came home to a muggy yucky house. We do have one small window unit upstairs that is helping and I bought a few fans for the kitchen and living room. We already have a ceiling fan in our bedroom. We are trying to find another unit but since the temperature is usually on the downhill slide after the end of August, we are just gonna tough it out for a while. And since we are supposed to have a rainy week with lower temps, hopefully, we will be okay for awhile.

In regards to your roof, I know where you are coming from. When we had that horrid wind storm in September, it took alot of our roof with it. Thankfully, our insurance paid to have it repaired, minus our $500 deductible. It took 3 months though before someone could come take care of it because they were so far behind. You can always come to my neck of the woods!!!
Today we were supposed to have 90 and blazing sun. I'm not asking hubby to install the a/c this summer. No point in it now when the season is coming to an end.
Anyway, the sky just got hazy and apparently the sun is hiding behind rain clouds. YAY.
Well it's 85 now and with the humidity, feels like 88. Found the unit I want, but now I need to find someone with a truck. Really don't want to put it on the credit card since I just paid the darn thing off, but I can't breath in this stuff, so it's more of a have to, then a want too. Anybody driving by today with a pickup truck?

The one I have (that stayed in the box this summer) is the LG also, but the small one. No remote.
It is a great product. Always cools down the kitchen a few degrees.
We keep all doors, windows, and curtains closed during the day.
All I have is window unit. 12,000 BTU that cools off the livingroom and kitchen. Thought it was acting sort of unusual and then it just shut off. Guess the overload kicked, but that means taking it out of the window, taking it apart, finding the cause whether the overload blew or the start/run capacitor, order the parts, wait till God knows when to get them.......I'll just bite it and go get another window unit. Heck of it is, it's supposed to be 91 to 95 here today, then rain and milder. So in other words, today is going to suck.

The roof is going to have to be patched as best it can and hope it makes it through winter. I tried for the emergency home loan and unless water is actually running into an electrical conduit, it's not an emergency. So the next best thing is the Home Rehab Program, but there is a waiting list 2.5 to 3 months long. Needless to say, I'm scared to take an amoritized loan in the current economic conditions, but I don't have any choices left.

Anyone got a 14x80 trailer for sale? Got a feeling I won't have a house much longer.

Have you had any recent hail storms or strong winds??? Reason I say is because if you have homeowners insurance, perhaps you could submit a claim? Just a thought & sorry this is happening......always something!!! :mad: