Oscar1113 back home yesterday - Question on nose bleed

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Jun 14, 2008
Columbus, OH
Hello All-
I was able to come home from Cleveland yesterday. The 3 hr trip was uneventful. Overall, things are going very well with no major issues. The kids are glad that I am home and we are aclimating to my slow pace.

Quick question- I have a minor nose bleed from my left nostril. It starts when I clean/blow my nose. It seems to be from the lining of my nostril --- caused I believe in the hospital as certain areas of the hospital are very dry to stop bacteria etc. -- I'm not takin Warafin (valve repair), just pain meds, baby aspirin and Lipitor. Any advice on how to deal with this? I dont want any infections --thanks.

Oscar1113 (Doug)
No advice about the nose, except maybe wash it with a Q-tip or cotton bud soaked in a sterile saline solution . . .

Good to hear you are home, though, it's the best place to be ! Just don't expect 8 or 9 hours of sleep for a few weeks, take naps as you need them or as you can, walk, and eat.
Welcome home. I didn't get a nose bleed but I did find the hospital quite dry. Hopefully it will resolve itself soon. If not, you know the drill....if in doubt, call the doc. Best wishes for a smooth and speedy recovery.
Welcome home. It feels great to be home doesn't it? Now all you have to do is take it easy and HEAL.

Glad you are home. I agree with Wayne- when in doubt call the doctor. Best wishes for a complete and boring recovery.
Hey there Doug, welcome home.
I think I have an answer to your nose bleeds. Told by me from the ear, nose, throat specialist; using a Q-Tip, wipe the inside of the nose with Vaseline. Its just due to dry air and the outer lining of the nose is irritated. You could also use a humidifier when you sleep, it will help to moisten the air.
Hope this helps.
Doug, Home sweet home
Glad to see your post.....not the noosebleed
although some good suggestions there for you.
If in dought don't hesitate to check things out
with your Doc,all best in your recovery.

zipper2 (DEB)
Between the dry air and the nasogastric tube, your nose is most likely mad and irritated. Spray it a couple times a day with nasal saline and all should be back to normal shortly.
Happy to hear you're home. I hope you continue to make an easy, complete recovery! Take care and i hope your nose improves...it's probably just due to tubes and/or the dry hospital air. Take care, Dawn-Marie
Welcome home! It is the best place to be, isn't it? I hope every day is a little bit better for you. Sorry, can't help with the nose. Hope that stops. If not , call a doc. Good luck to you.