ONE Month CHECK UP for Dad

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Well-known member
Mar 25, 2007
Hi Everyone - Dad saw the surgeon today for his one month check up. Xray and ECHO were all good. He can start driving TODAY! He is happy about that. He still can not lift anything for ONE MORE month. So he has another month off from work, we already knew that so no surprise there. So, he gets to stay at home with my mom for another month while my mom works at home. He is up to walking now over 30 minutes and can do hills per the surgeon. I am also still smoke free - 18 days. Miss you all! HI ROSS !!!
Love JoJo
Hi JoJo,

That is GREAT news! And going back to work in a another month. That is outstanding. :)

You and he may not realize how lucky he is. Or maybe it's how unlucky I was. I had only been home from the hospital 10 days a month after AVR. It was 3 months before I drove.
Sounds like your dad is doing real well. Tell him to keep up the good work!
You still keep doing good with being smoke free. You'll be so glad once you feel it's not as much of a temptation any more. :)
Good news on both fronts .... kicking nicotine is much harder than AVR for me... in fact I went back to chewing the nicotine gum due to stress (stupid I know) but better than puffing:eek:
For me, dieting is much harder than stopping smoking. For in a couple years the craving for nicotine was gone, my appetite for good food doesn't gets weaker.

Comparing quitting smoking to my AVR would be like comparing a firecracker to 500 pound block buster bomb!
Glad to hear your dad is doing so great! I hope all continues well!!!

Good job on being & staying smoke free! I have tried several times & failed. I pulled my last pack out of a carton this morning & once it is gone, I will be quitting again! Losing my dad to his heart problems has scared the **** out of me! Hopefully I can kick the habit this time.

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