OHS - Pain and Music

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Well-known member
Mar 16, 2009
London, England
Just thought I'd share this with you guys. There's a lot of research that's been conducting on pain and music but this was specifically relevant to heart patients:

Voss, Good, Yates, Baun, Thompson and Hertzog (2004) investigated the role of sedative music (which was provided by the experimenters and defined as sedative with the consultation of a music therapist) in reducing pain after open-heart surgery. They found that patients who listened to sedative music after open-heart surgery had 57% less pain sensation, and 69% less pain distress than participants who received standard chair rest. Voss et al. (2004, p. 202) suggested that because ?music may be attributable to having something more pleasant to concentrate on?, it serves as a better distraction than other stimuli. In other words, it is because music is emotionally engaging that it is a better distraction.

I remember reading this about 2 years ago when I was doing my own research and had no idea I might be able to do it myself soon (back then I wasn't even aware that OHS was what I would be having!). Obviously pain is such a hard thing to measure but the results are pretty interesting!

Voss, J. A., Good, M., Yates, B., Baun, M. M., Thompson, A. & Hertzog, M. (2004). Sedative music reduces anxiety and pain during chair rest after open-heart surgery. Pain, 112, 197-203.
Where can I get some of this "sedative music"? Would love to have that for Chirs. Whether it works or not, at least it couldn't hurt. Thanks for the info!
I think they created the music themselves which isn't helpful for us! What they said was the music had no lyrics, was between 60-80bpm, and a general absence of strong percussion.


BUT there is some research coming out that goes with common sense - music we prefer is better for us. So I think you should play Chris some of his favourite music :) I'm sure he'd much rather listen to that than some classical music!
I've seen those "Relaxing" CDs.....nature sounds; waves on a beach, rainforest sounds.
There are even some CDs of a nice Lullaby type of music which I have used for young children who are too hyper to sleep.


ajay_22_86 the pain post surgery isn't a big deal compared to the discomfort of class IV heart failure. ;) The best description I can think of is drowning and suffocating at the same time. :eek: Having experienced both, post surgery is a walk in the park. :)
i know that i will be receiving a guided imagery cd when i meet with the surgical team at the cleveland clinic on the 27th. they say to listen to it before and after surgery to help