New Thread For Ross

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Well-known member
Jun 10, 2001
snowy - Sharpsburg, Ga USA
Think we should enter our thoughts in this new thread to Ross for his surgery tomorrow - so he can print out and take with him to the hospital.

Dear Ross - you have touched many here, personally. I, for one. Sometimes we meet another in cyberland who is so generous in friendship and you are one of those. Please accept my thanks for being a special friend in many ways - and you know what they are. You have given me your time, your knowledge and your efforts. You have given us all support. No matter what the need, you have met with all of your good abilities. So please know that so many are going with you as you meet your surgery head-on tomorrow and we will be in limbo til we know that you are ok. Know you will have many waiting to send you greetings when you are able to receive them. So, my dear friend, go with God. GODSPEED!
Dear Ross-

I will be thinking about you all day tomorrow and will be anxiously awaiting news of your surgery.

I know you have had many serious problems in the past and this will help your doctors to guide you through the surgery tomorrow because they will be on heightened alert.

I have found that when patients come into the hospital with a difficult history, extra care is taken and the docs seem to have a plan all worked out for your special care. I'm sure you will get the best nurses assigned to you and there will be specialists available if needed.

This has been true for Joe, and it will be true for you.

Remember your surgeon is an absolute expert and has his hands on people's hearts on a routine basis. He'll have the best surgical team there working on you.

May God be with you and your surgeon tomorrow. We'll talk to you later.:)
Good luc tomorrow Ross. I'll be thinking about you and will look forward to hearing your positive outcome as soon as someone is able to post on your behalf. Take care my friend.

Dear Ross:

God will work through and beside the doctors and nurses into whose care you are entrusted.

Your friendship and compassion has blessed many lives and you are special to us. This whole community at will be offering prayers and our own lives will stand still as we anxiously await news of your surgery and confirmation of your well-being.

Once again, may angels attend you and watch over you, and bring you safely through this passage.
Dear Ross,

I pray that the angels will surround you tomorrow and guide your surgeons hands until the surgery is successfully completed.
Your never ending friendship and heartfelt compassion for the members of this forum have been noted and very much appreciated.
All of us will offer a silent prayer for you to our Heavenly Father tomorrow and we'll wait anxiously for someone to post the surgery results and comfirmation that you made it over to the other side and doing great.

Hurry back my friend!

AVR's 8/7/00 & 8/18/00
TMC, Tucson. AZ
Dr. Gulshan Sethi

In God's hands

In God's hands


I know that you've accepted that you just have to put this is God's hands and trust the outcome. The Lord understands that you are needed by your immediate family and that your work is far from done. He also knows that your cyber family needs you as well. There are countless others that will be passing through this site that would benefit greatly from your support and input, just as so many of the current members have.

You're a good man, Ross, and we will all be praying for your successful surgery and a quick recovery. We will also pray for you wife and family as they go through their part in this stressful process.

Ron K
Ron K

Thank you to all of you.

I do request that you keep Amy and her husband in close prayer. I know she needs your help in dealing with this.

As I'm wheeled to the O.R., I'll be thinking of each and every one of you.

I got tired of sitting here waiting for the hospital to call me, so I called them. I'm to be there at 5:30 a.m. and surgery is scheduled for 7:00 a.m.. Time for Lyn and I to go out and enjoy some of the afternoon together, and get something to eat.
I'll check back later this evening.

Again, Thank You

I too, will be thinking of you tomorrow and waiting to hear of your successful surgery, As everyone else said you will be in good hands. You and your family will be in my prayers, I wish you all the best on your voyage. (((BIG HUGS)))
Thank You Nicole.

The surgeons office just called to tell me what I already know. I told the nurse to call and tell Dr. Novoa to get a great nights rest. I hope I can do the same. I think my BP just shot up a few more notches. :)

I just wanted to add my positive thoughts and prayers to this thread too. There isn't much I can add to what's already been said, but like Hensylee said, this way you can take us all with you, so to speak, and we'll all be waiting to hear from you on the other side. I know you've been over the mountain once already, but you're almost to the peak again, and once your over the mountain top, it's all down hill from there! Try to get some rest tonight, (yeah right).

God Bless, Jean
Ross - I just wanted to add my good wishes on your surgery tomorrow. You really participated in this web site and I really enjoy your good nature. I am already looking forward to your stories from your surgery. I will make sure I say a prayer for your uneventful surgery.


Ross, I wanted to add my prayers and best wishes for your event tomorrow. You have added loads of hope and expectations to all our lives and we now all wish the same for you. And to quote the Irish blessing - "May the road rise to meet you, may the wind be always at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face, may the rain fall soft upon your fields. And until we meet again, may He hold you in the palm of His hand." Good luck and we will all expectantly wait to hear your take on your experiences. Again, God be with you.
11:20 and counting.
weekycat- I still think this should be ferociouscat. ;)
Bill Hall

Thank You Very Much.
I'll be heading to bed sometime soon. Until then, Im relaxing and watching t.v.

Again, all of you take care of Amy and here husband. I know you will, but I feel better saying it
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Vaya con Dios

Vaya con Dios

Ross, Vaya con Dios......see you on the other side....
Tomorrow you will be on the road to recovery and a whole new chapter of your life. You will be in all of our thoughts and prayers, and I just know you are going to have a good outcome.

Just remember, there are planes you have yet to fly, castles to conquer, and damsels to rescue!;)

We'll look forward to seeing you on the other side of the mountain, my friend!
Best Wishes

Best Wishes

Best wishes from New Mexico Ross. You are in my thoughts and prayers. I know that everything is going to be great for you. Your a good man.
AVR; 4/02; CCF; Dr.Cosgrove; Bovine Tissue
Think positive thoughts.

Think positive thoughts.

Hey Ross,

I'm sending you positive vibes!!

Like everyone else in this forum... I soooo remember the night before my surgery. So many things tumbling through your mind. So many feelings and emotions. So many things that you can't even explain. Know that you have many friends here thinking of you.

Positive thoughts at this time are very important. Please know that we love ya and we're here thinking of you.

good luck Ross!

good luck Ross!

I hope you get to check your e-mail before you go n the morning. I always read all of your threads, and enjoy doing so. I look forward to reading more of your threads when you come back to us. Good luck Ross, and see you on the other side! You'll do great!
Go Get 'em!

Go Get 'em!

Hey there Ross, I'll acknowledge that I'm 'piling-on', but what the heck, it's for a good cause and a good person.

As I've told you before, the sheer willpower of the large faction pulling for you will power you right on through this. I'll be sending my thoughts your way as well through the day tomorrow. Not long now, and you'll have this all behind you.

Here's to ya!

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