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L.A. and Nancy

L.A. and Nancy

WOW!!!! thanks you two!!! just got back into circulation this morning! spent time w/ both families and had a blast, but as always, it proved too much for me and i've been down since the night of the 25th. it's all good though!
i will have victor read your posts, and yes, he is really comming along on this. just took some coaxing and all of you really helped a lot!!!!! thanks again to everyone!
i think (and all things considered with me these days, that's pretty good!) i posted his inr and where the doc wants him. 1.84 vs 2-3. we are working on learning all about how to accomplish this and of course still reading reading reading,.....(hee hee, thanks again ross)
L.A. thanks again and hope to hear from you again.
Nancy, how is joe?
~a great day to all,
shirley and victor


hi everyone,
sorry i haven't been around. victor and i are both pretty much ok, but one of my daughters has been ill. she is getting better.

victor is still bucking the idea of surgery, but he is at least making all his dr. appnts. (yesterday was the podiatrist) soon as i know more, i will post.

i truly hope everyone is well and living happy!!!!!

take care,
shirley & victor
hi shirley and victor!
i've been peeking in but haven't come forward. first of all, my youngest brother has chronic hep. c. it's been a long haul for him.
he now lives in holland with his girlfriend. he is trying to function as best as he can on his good days, but his bad days are tough.
it's a very debilitating condition/ disease.
my husband is the patient who had his ross procedure about a year and a half ago. he feels better than my brother does!
i'm not going to say that this surgery is a piece of cake, but the alternative is a terrible one.
joey is so happy to be able to do so much more now than he was able to do prior to his surgery. i'm sure you'll hear that from so many folks here.
do you have kids? doesn't victor worry about you? you need him, especially in your condition. how does the hep c affect you? what treatments have you had? my brother was taking interferon for some time. i'm not sure what he takes now.
wishing you both all the best. please let us know how things go with victor.
stay well, sylvia


good morning!!!!
nice to meet you!
as for how i feel, hee hee, just as you described.....hep c is not fun. but we help ourselves as much as we can. i was on pegintron and ribaviron. 15 weeks then it all went from bad to worse,and i landed in the hosptal where i coded, and just had everything that could go wrong-go wrong. no one expected me to make it, but i still had laundry to do at home, so i knew i had better pull through!!!:D
with this type of diease, one usually learns the value of a moment. one moment you may feel well enough, the very next, you're in bed for a week or more. there is no cure yet, but there are new discoveries all the time and depending on your genotype and how far advanced you are in the illness, you may respond to tx. - for a while, sometimes, even years. (there are several available, in different forms- all quite nasty, i assure you) there is a hepatitis central bb if you would like the real skinny-no doctors hype, just folks living with this disease. we are family there too and we have a good time.

now,as for victor, i have tried to explain to him that i need him around and actually, i have tried every possible effort to get him to take care of himself. he is at least going to his dr.s appnts now and taking his meds, but that's the extent he will go. i have to admit, if given the choice of hep c with the particular genotyp i have, 1a, which is generally not responsive to tx, and victors heart condition.....i'll take my hep any day. with this stuff, if you take care of yourself, you can live a while, you won't feel too great most of the time, and there are serious sides to it, but still....with the heart problem-man, now that's some scary stuff to me!!!!:eek:
victor is a stubborn man when it comes to his own health. he's going to do it his way untill he can't any more. he spat up blood yesterday, (it was only once-says he) and still won't go to the doc. i am going to try AGAIN-STILL to have another talk with him today after he gets home from work.

let you brother know there are several bb's he can turn to for help, knowledge (though i expect he knows more already than he would like) and folks who care. some tx, some respond, some don't, some won't tx. but we're all a lot of fun....most times....:D

thank you for posting, sorry it took me so long to respond, as i say, i am having problems with one of my babies (31) and though she is better, she is still in a lot of pain. so a lot of my time is taken there.

take care,
Hi Shirley-

It's good to see you on the boards again. I hope you'll keep in close contact because we're all concerned about Victor and you.

Your latest post is scaring me. Coughing up blood in Victor's case is not a good thing and something you should call his doctor about asap. Sometimes people with CHF cough up blood tinged sputum and that isn't something he should fool with. I suggest that he calls the doctor today, or goes to the ER.

Stubborness is sometimes a good thing, but in Victor's case it isn't. He's really playing with his life and there might not be any warnings if his body can't cope any more.

Hoping that you can get him to the help that he needs.


good morning nancy!
and thank you for your post. i apologize to you as well for the slow response, but now, instead of one daughter with problems, i have two!!!!! i tell ya, life is just one big thrill after another!!!!! never a dull moment!!!!

i couldn't possibly agree with you more!!!! but the big lug won't budge. it's gotten to the point where i am thinking of drugging his coffee, and then calling 911 right before he collapses! i figure, once he is in the hospital, they will make him stay and get, just a thought.......
sad, but i am in a position where all i can do is let him know how serious this is and then shut up. he is so afraid of this that his fear is probably going to get him in the end......and i can do nothing......but pray. so i do.

i will try very hard to come around more often, i do enjoy it here, it feels like home. that is, unless i chose to run away from home and go to live in a cave, far far away from eeeeeeeeeverybodys problems! i've been stretched about as far as i can go.........i think.....:D

you all take care, i really am still trying to get victor to go to the hospital........he has a fairly constant nose bleed now!!!!! :rolleyes:



oh. oops.:eek:

victor brought home all sorts of books from the library on heart valves, heart attacks, heart conditions, etc etc.,
does this mean he is participataing again? his words were: "well, as much as i hate to admit it, i seem to have a problem"
i didn't bother to mention the problem was he needs brain surgery.:D he has expressed the possibility of being hospitalized this comming week. this would give any normal person a brief respite......but no, not me, i will be in his room 24/7 or in the lounge.
or wait....maybe all the stress will aggreviate the hep, and i'll be forced to stay home in bed!!!!!!!:D :eek: yeah!!!!! maybe that's what will happen!!!!!!!
i hope everyone is doing well. i haven't been online at all for days. i had family fallout comming from every direction and just about got burried under it all.:rolleyes:
i'll be sure to keep updating as the week unfolds.....

take care,
Please do let us/me know what becomes of it all. Sorry to hear about family feuding, but I guess we all do that from time to time (Every Day). :)


yes, but it's the daggers through the heart and the financial robbery that really slay me.....grrrrrrr........

someone remind me....why did i have children?????
oh yes! to take care of me in my old agae!!
HA!!! like THAT'S gonna happen!!!!!:D :rolleyes:
Hi Shirley-

I so glad to hear that Victor is finally moving along with his heart situation. That's the best news. I hope all straightens out with your family. This is not the time for added stress.

Best wishes.
someone remind me....why did i have children?????
Let me ponder this one for a few moments.............?
You know what, I'm asking myself the same question! I must love torture or something. :)
Children. . . ?

Children. . . ?

Then there's my daughter's favorite come-back when she and her mom are battling: "Mom, don't forget, I WILL be the one who chooses your nursing home!"

running and hiding
That's hash Steve. Tell Chris she can select her nursing facility ahead of time. My parents did. Hmmmmmm, maybe they don't trust me, LOL:p

At this point our little gem says she will take care of us when we are old and gray. Another 10 years and her views will change I am sure of it. Enjoying it while we can here;)


LOL!!! well, our kids always do inspire us to wit, don't they!?!!

Nancy, i sure hope v's gonna act soon. he's going to kill himself and me too if he keeps on. if the kids don't get me first....

take care,
Last edited:
A Jewish mother once said, "A mother can take care of 10 kids, but 10 kids can't take care of one mother."


yes, and time after time, i see- it couldn't be more true.

well, victor now has a bad cold and is continuing to work anyway.
still contemplating that hospital stay next week. i really hope he goes. i can't stand watching him become so ill and not try to do anything at all about it.

have a good weekend everyone.....i expect i'll be back monday......with SOME kind of news on the "sitchiation":D

take care,
Dang it woman, Punch him harder then the last time. You'll get him k.o.'d soon and then he'll have no choice but to submit to all of your desires. :D


all of them????? really????? do you think??????:D
well, the good news is this: he has taken off work for this following week and MAY go into the hospital. if nothing else, he will at least get much needed rest this week!!!

happy 1st day of february to all,

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