New date (likely)

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Well-known member
Aug 8, 2011
Nov 27: Looks like it's still a go. Need to be at the hospital for 6am. Surgery time at 8am. Nope, Skyler doesn't like the 12hr heparin shots... You'd think that he would have learned to deal with a fear of needles over the years but nope, he's terrified every time still, poor kid. Must feel a bit like a pin cushion at times. We're holding our breath.

It seems that it was postponned last time due to a large emergency here in Edmonton where a whole bunch of people (and many kids) got carbon monoxide poisoning. That's why we were bumped. Nice to know that it was a last minute emergency and not just bad planning.

Nov 21: We managed to get Skyler to get a good night's sleep by not telling him about surgery yesterday, somehow giving him vit K to decrease his INR, waking him up at 6am for a big drink of juice, take another INR (2.2) which was way too high (was supposed to be under 1.5), called the blood clinic. They said to take him to emerge and they would deal with reversal there. Left at 6:45am with dad. I got the other two kids organized and was making plans for pick-up with friends when I received a phonecall (8am): SURGERY CANCELLED FOR TODAY. My GOD. This is the worst yet. cancelled on 2hours notice, AFTER showing up to the hospital?

Scheduled back on Nov 28th...
Nov 20: Just got a phone call. Back to Nov 21.

Nov 17: Now we have Nov 28th...

Nov 14: Another new date. Now we have Nov 21st scheduled. This is getting old.

Surgery date likely Nov 16 (Wednesday).

Possibly Nov 14 (Monday) because of a "likely cancelation".

That makes it next week. Skyler's cough is TONS better, with a mild residual cough. The sooner the better so he doesn't get to worry about it as long. The waiting is the worst part.
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Surgery date likely Nov 16 (Wednesday).

Possibly Nov 14 (Monday) because of a "likely cancelation".

That makes it next week. Skyler's cough is TONS better, with a mild residual cough. The sooner the better so he doesn't get to worry about it as long. The waiting is the worst part.

For now we have it on the family calendar in the kitchen on the 16th
Wishing you the very best with your upcoming surgery, Sarah!

Stay strong and stay focused on getting it done and overwith. We'll be waiting with you!


Well, it's not today (Thank goodness the baby who was supposed to have surgery today made it). So it should be Wednesday.

Just want to hot wash Skyler's favourite blanket and bathrobe so he can have them for the hospital.

Well, it's not today (Thank goodness the baby who was supposed to have surgery today made it). So it should be Wednesday.

Just want to hot wash Skyler's favourite blanket and bathrobe so he can have them for the hospital.

Looks like Wednesday is a go for Skyler. He's in my thoughts and prayers until he's safely over the mountain and back home. Godspeed!

Just got a phone call... we are likely back on for tomorrow.... just have to figure out about INR levels with such a last minute date. Anyone know about how this works?

Just got a phone call... we are likely back on for tomorrow.... just have to figure out about INR levels with such a last minute date. Anyone know about how this works?

I'm not sure how they could go about dropping the INR so quickly, my guess is they'll have to give him vit K. Did he already have todays Coum?
Talked to the clinic. We have vit K on hand in case of emergency and they had us give him .3mg orally. His INR was 3.3 (we took it before as an experiment - I'm so glad strips are covered by health insurance)!
We are to take his INR at 6am, and if it's >1.5, he will have to go in and get platelet therapy pre-surgery.

I think we are going to try to get him to have a good night's sleep... i.e. my husband doesn't want to tell him until tomorrow morning... I disagree mostly, but it's not worth the argument...
And another new date - cancelled this morning - back to Nov 28.

Sorry to hear this. I hope someone mentioned to them that since Skyler IS on coumadin it really isnt a good idea to have him stopping and starting and taking vit K to lower his INR and then for them to cancel his surgery..maybe they should consider cancling someone who isn't stopping important meds for the surgery..
Yeah... it was the surgeon who made the call (I'm told) and he should realize Skyler's on warfarin since he has spoken to us, and recommended Skyler be next on the list yesterday when there was a cancellation... the reason this morning? Again, no beds in the PICU ...

My coworker's husband works in journalism... As much as I dislike her, I think I may make peace and see if I can talk to him!