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Well-known member
Jun 26, 2006
Acworth, GA
Some of you might remember that my Neice was to have valve preplacement surgeyr but was put off due to the fact she had had a kidney transplant just a few months ago. Well she had her surgery on Thursday and is doing just great. I don't know yet which mechanical valve she got, she is still in ICU, I think they plan on moving her out today. But all is well so far, doctors are happy with how things look.
Some of you might remember that my Neice was to have valve preplacement surgyer but was put off due to the fact she had had a kidney transplant just a few months ago. Well she had her surgery on Thursday and is doing just great. I don't know yet which mechanical valve she got, she is still in ICU, I think they plan on moving her out today. But all is well so far, doctors are happy with how things look.

Wonderful! I'm glad that it went so well.
I'm happy to hear she's doing well. I hope and pray she continues to have a smooth recovery.
Good news. Thanks for sharing. We always want to hear how our 'family' is doing.

Hope she continues to have a great recovery.
That's great news- I hope she has a complete and uneventful recovery!
God bless her, I hope she is resting comfortably and continues to do well. Please keep us updated.