My recliner is where I sleep

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Well-known member
Oct 27, 2011
Lakewood , Washington
This has been where most of my time is spent between walks or bathroom breaks.

I even sleep in it, tried the couch for a few hours last night but ended up back in chair.

I recall it was around 3:00 am , got off couch and made my chair comfy .

I fell asleep and was dreaming of fixing an old truck of mine ( One I used to own)
I remember thinking dang my shoulders hurt, I should not be turning these wrench's so soon after surgery. Then I would take test drives, another break down and more tools come out. I was exhausted.
Next thing I recall was my wife fixing my pillow behind my head. She made me up a hot pad for my shoulders.
At least for a short while I had other reasons to be sore. LOL
Funny thing is I seldom will remember a dream, so this one was actually a fun one.
Glad that old truck is long gone ....

Hi, Brad, right now, take your comfort where you can get it. I had never had a recliner until the week before my AVR when my brother presented me with one. Although I didn't sleep in it at night, I came to find it just the thing for naps after walking and, by adding a simple lap table, a great place for my notebook computer. My old Tonk magically appears when he hears the chair reclining since there is ample room for him, too.

Hi Brad,

I'm right there with you. I have surprised many of my friends with emails in the middle of the night lately. The good news is that last night was the first night I was comfortable enough in bed to stay there all night siince before my surgery now four weeks ago. It does seem to be getting a bit better every day.
I remember those days; oops, I mean nights. I saw more late night tv in the course of a week than I have since I was a teen-ager. It gets better fast.

As I was in the hospital so long then a rehab hospital I knew the infomercials by heart and I was on so many narcotics that one night I called to order a product and told them to call my wife to get a credit card number from her THEY DID SO RIGHT AWAY AT 3AM.......Sharon was NOT IMPRESSED but we can laugh about it now and yes she lets me in the house but NO LATE NIGHT tv !!!!!!!!!!!
Spent the first 5 weeks on the sofa sleeping with 5 pillows so I slept at a 45 degree angle(no recliner). When I laid down in the bed the second night at home I thought I would suffocate before someone could get me out.
OK, Got to progress to the couch tonight, I dread another night sleep in my chair. I'm going for every pillow I can locate in the house , strategically lay out on couch with around a 45 degree plus incline from chest up. My shoulder blades are so sensitive, have been on heat pads a great deal of the day, so I'm going for the the sleeping on air effect.
Having my back perfectly flat helped keep things straight with the ribs and sternum, but I did jack up the head of my
mattress a few inches with a big piece of rolled foam under it.

After a few weeks when I wanted to try resting on my side, I did that gradually, and with pillows supporting the
small of my back as my home nurse suggested. Starting with 20 minutes was enough then rolling onto my back again.
Sheesh, what an's burned in my brain ;)
OK, Got to progress to the couch tonight, I dread another night sleep in my chair. I'm going for every pillow I can locate in the house , strategically lay out on couch with around a 45 degree plus incline from chest up. My shoulder blades are so sensitive, have been on heat pads a great deal of the day, so I'm going for the the sleeping on air effect.

Rib spreaders wil do that to you
I slept in a recliner for a year before surgery. I felt better that way. I bought a wedge to elevate the bed, but that did not work as well. I never had any trouble sleeping in the bed after surgery as long as I could elevate the head. I also used a heat back to my upper back for 2-3 weeks after surgery. It helped a lot.