My cerificate of achievement?

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Well-known member
Dec 15, 2001
On The Hot Seat
And to think this is what the other forum thinks of me. Does anyone see a trend happening?

These types of certificates are always suspicious with blatant spelling mistakes on them!
Is this a new word....:rolleyes::D

Well the person did graduate high school that made the thing, so I don't know what the problem is. :cool:
LOL Rossman... Adam Ant...havent seen him in ages!

must pop over to CFF too and see what I have been missing...

congrats on the marvellous award there ;)


I got my A+, MCSE, and MCDBA awhile back and I think your new certificate is much better than mine. It will probably get us about the same pay raise too. Thanks
I got my A+, MCSE, and MCDBA awhile back and I think your new certificate is much better than mine. It will probably get us about the same pay raise too. Thanks

Actually Mike, yours should get you quite a bit of bucks if you land in the right spot. My son got his MSCE a couple years back and has since then gotten countless certification and for his age and position, is making a Kings ransom. Too bad he's found a way to tie all his money up. He just had to buy a new Mustang! :rolleyes: